Getting in your own way

I started a 60 day fitness program thing at my gym and I am currently in the 5th week.

I barely notice any differences in my progress pictures, even though others say there are definitely improvements. I know I am very hard on myself and I'm just wondering if anyone else is like this and how do you stop yourselves from getting in your own way.

Cognitively I understand that changes won't happen over night and numbers don't really matter but it's still disappointing. I am halfway through and I haven't lost any weight, I only increased my push-ups by 3 and squats by 1. Like I said i know numbers don't matter and weight loss isn't even one of my goals. Emotionally I just get in my own way and become frustrated when I don't do something correctly or do as many as I "should"

I just started noticing more definition of my arms and back, and upper body strength and toning is one of my goals, but I still don't feel like it's enough. Now I'm just seeing that I still can't complete the whole class without getting tired or breaking partway through.

I am kind of worried that no matter where I get to there will always be something else I can do better that I focus on. I don't want to turn this into an unhealthy habit. Just looking for advice on how to break through this or if anyone else has the same challenge.