In College with PCOS

I have tried using MFP before but lost the motivation when I didn't see more than a couple pounds progress. At 21 I was just diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) three months ago. For those who have heard of it you know that losing any amount of weight takes a lot of time, attention, motivation, and effort. I will be switching medication since Metformin ended up making me too sick in hope that it will help my body recognize the insulin I am producing.

If you are around my age, have PCOS, or just want more support feel free to add me.

I will be graduating college in June and starting grad school right afterwards. I want to get to a healthy weight so that I can counteract PCOS making it so I can have children. My boyfriend, the man I will one day marry, loves me the way that I am but after he graduates tech school for the Air Forces I want his jaw to drop when he first sees me. He is my everything and my ultimate motivation.


  • I have pcos and I've struggled since I was a child with it. I am now married and want a child. So frustrating!
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    add me: i am 28 yr old, and have pcos, and slowly losing weight and managing symptoms