24 yr old college student on KETO

Hey everyone!! I don't know anyone else who has done keto or is on keto. All my friends and family are saying it's a dangerous way to lose weight but I've lost 23 pounds so far. Currently I'm really discouraged on how I'm not losing as much weight as I used to and I don't look any different with the weight off!!! It's very discouraging. If you're on keto, lets be friends! If you're not on keto, I still want to be friends! I feel so alone in this process of getting thin :(


  • FitnessPress
    FitnessPress Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! I'm 22 years old looking for friends fighting the same battle! I keep getting discouraged and need a support system. I'm not sure what the keto diet entails, but I'm down to be a motivational friend. :D
  • darvin1023
    darvin1023 Posts: 52 Member
    Keto (Ketogenic diet) works for me. so, I did not care what anyone else said.
    When i was overweight (255 lbs) and just started with the keto diet, I had two doctors telling me it's a bad idea. I did not listen to them. I stuck with the diet, and combined it with regular exercise and six month later, they were amazed by how much weight I've lost. They did my blood test for cholesterol check, and they were amazed how high my good-cholesterols were, and how low my bad-cholesterols were too.
    Two months later, they did another cholesterol blood test. Scores were even better than before.

    So, my tip is: if that type of diet works for you, stick with it!
    Only you know how your body works!
    Oh, and don't forget: Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!
    Not gonna lie. Going to the gym SUCKS *kitten*!
    When you're young, you can think of billions of things much more fun to do than just sweating at the gym.
    ...But watching that number on scale drop every week makes all that effort SO worth it.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I have 2 docs and my dietician tell me low-carb is a must (Atkins Induction, Keto). Theres are so many myths about low-carb diets. I highly suggest reading"Why Ee Get Fat" & "Good Calories Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes and watching the movie Fat Head.
  • findingmyfit
    Seems like we're similar in goals. I'm also low carbing it as well. :) It's nice to be able to know there are more going KETO. Smh at the doctor saying it's dangerous to your health. Haha. As long as you're getting in enough fat, protein and sufficient water blahblahblah basically making wise healthy decisions you'll be fine.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm in ketosis and plan to stay that way indefinitely. Absent medical problems and as long as you're doing it right (getting enough fat especially!) and in a sensible calorie deficit (in other words not starving yourself) I don't see why it would hurt you.

    Add me if you like!
  • Megh757
    Megh757 Posts: 33 Member
    I have always lost the most weight doing a low carb diet. Even when I'm done dieting I will love a lower carb lifestyle because I have low blood sugar and carbs make me feel awful. When I'm not in an extremely low carb phase I still stay around 100 a day and plan to keep it around there indefinitely. Everyone's body reacts different to different foods so if this works for you then it doesn't matter what others say. like I said I have to eat lower carb regardless to feel okay.
  • Benjiowns
    Benjiowns Posts: 4 Member
    Another keto-er here, except I do the Carb Nite diet (http://carbnite.com/), wherein you eat Ultra Low Carb for 6 days then on the seventh you have a period of time in the afternoon where you can "eat what you want" in order to restore your glycogen banks; effectively resetting your body so you can keep experiencing those massive keto weight drops you first get when you start it. So for example, this upcoming Saturday the goal is to raise my insulin levels from 2 PM to 10 PM at night. Basically eating high carb / high gci foods like ice cream, donuts, cakes every two hours.

    It's worked well so far (I started a month ago). I'm so far down like 150+ lbs total! Will send all of you guys in here a friend request so we can all keto it up and i'm interested to see what fellow keto-ers daily intake is like.
  • Zoesmum025
    I'm starting the Scarsdale diet on Monday, hopefully. I'm 53 and really don't want to spend forever losing weight. Also I have rheumatoid Arthritis and need to lose 103lbs fast! This diet originated in the 70s had still has a large following. Protein, fruit and veg will my portion be!
  • suey07
    suey07 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone for the posts! Sorry for such a late reply, I'm new to the whole community aspect of MFP. Thanks for the support! :)