Birthday- treat myself?

allyson223 Posts: 34
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So just a question for any of you that may have celebrated a birthday or someone else's while trying to lose weight:

I am celebrating a birthday tomorrow and wanted to know....
How did you decide to handle it? Did treat yourself all day? Or did you try to stick to your calorie goals??


  • My birthday is coming up and I've been debating that too.
    What we're doing right now is making a lifestyle change, and with that you need to know that there will be good days and bad days. No one is perfect, and our options change from day to day.

    My plan is to be good the whole week, and try really hard to make sure I'm under calories and working out on a regular basis, then I can splurge for my birthday.
    The only thing you need to keep in mind is not to go so overboard that you feel really guilty the next day.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    HECK YEAH! For my birthday I had birthday cake for lunch..nothing else and I still lost 2 pounds that week. Happy B-day!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    My birthday was last monday but I made sure I stayed in my calorie goal I just cut my gym down to a half hour and got a pedicure for the other half hour. That was my treat to myself and I didn't have to put myself behind on the weight loss train.
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    You can treat yourself without treating all day. Have a light breakfast and lunch, have a nice dinner and something small but REALLY yummy for dessert. :D
  • thuelskamp
    thuelskamp Posts: 16 Member
    Sure, why not treat yourself all day. For most of us, we will be counting calories for more than a couple months. You'll probably end up going a tad crazy if you don't give yourself a cheat day here and there. As long as you're not doing it frequently there's no harm. Lately I give myself a cheat day every other week. I try to at least get some exercise in on that day though.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I had cake.
    I ate a big ol' piece then I gave the rest of the cake to my daughter. It was GOOD! And I didn't gain any weight, matter of fact I lost a lb. that week.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I am also celebrating my b-day with the family tomorrow (though it's not until the 5th.) Aries power!

    My dad is going to grill some fajitas. I have decided to eat light for breakfast/lunch and just enjoy my dinner. Also, I have made it clear that there will be no birthday cake this year. There are always leftovers which means I end up eating more than one piece. It just isn't worth it!
  • AmyLynn4321
    AmyLynn4321 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm all for splurges - i think the main thing is quantity. Don't "pig out" and eat tons and tons. Go get a cheeseburger but skip the fries or have 2 pieces of pizza not 6. Tomorrow night is our big family dinner and I intend to have a little bit of everything including mashed potatoes and homemade mac and cheese but it will be small quantities. The last time I overate i was sick - learned that lesson the hard way!! :)
    Happy Birthday!
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I have 3 birthdays in both March and September (March - my Son, my Husband and my Father September - myself, my Mother and my Brother). None that I can skip. What I did this year was make cupcakes instead of a full cake. I also made them with diet soda (YUM!!!!). I also get Sherbet instead of ice cream. I'm not sure of the calorie difference but I love Sherbet so it's all good. That way I get to have cake and Ice cream or Sherbet without having to worry about my calories.
  • The way I look at it is that this is a lifestyle. Nothing is necessarily off limits but eat in moderation. If it is your birthday and you want some cake have a small piece or split a piece with someone. If you are going out to lunch then make good choices at lunch. I would try to stay close to your calorie goals and if your friend is aware of your new lifestyle she will also encourage moderation :D.

    The way I see it is that almost everyday of my life I could be celebrating something.

    Happy Birthday!
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