i have to empty the whole plate



  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    how can i close this post?

    i only have excuses, thats what we know now..

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and being petty. People offered you advice. DO you eat off a plate? If you do, get a smaller plate, use that instead of your normal one, it will feel more 'full' but with the same amount of food one. You dont HAVE to eat everything on your plate, you CHOOSE to. Be mindful about what youre putting into your body.
  • BadAzzBea
    Use smaller plates... sounds gimmicky but it works

    Yess thisss.
  • drhall1970
    Try freezing any leftovers in correct portion sizes in freezer bags or containers right after you cook. . It is a win-win. You won't have the food lying around to tempt you and you won't have to cook again later.
    Buy yourself a "special" plate and cup and use them for every meal. I t will make a big difference. Hang in there! You will get it..
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    how can i close this post?

    i only have excuses, thats what we know now..

    Really? You asked a question on a public board. Expect real advice. In your original post, you indicated that you already knew what people might suggest (smaller portions, boxing leftovers) and you already had reasons as to why you can't do those things, then you say you can't do smaller plates because blah blah. What exactly is it that you are looking for here? Because actual real-world suggestions that work does not seem to be it. Yes, it's hard to change your habits. But you have to start somewhere. And that place is within yourself.

    If you aren't ready to change, that's ok. Own it and move on, and don't feel sorry for yourself or get so defensive when people are only trying to help you.

    Everyone has excuses.Everyone has things that are difficult for them. It's how you turn those excuses around and turn them into motivation that truly counts. I wish you all the luck in the world.

    And if you truly want to have this post removed, I am sure that if you get in touch with a mod, they will be more than happy to assist you.
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    as i said in the first post.

    i buy exactly the food that i need once a week, and it will last me the whole week. all my plates cups (whatever i use)... are exactly weight and calories are tracked as well, so i think it doesnt matter if big plate or small one.

    and i am here to learn, thats why i ask stupid questions, i am not perfect. but i guess other are (the smartass way some talk on here)
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I don't get the waste excuse. Having food piling up in the form of fat on your butt is a total waste too! Pro primo you are consuming excess food that you don't need and someone else could have, plus you wasted your money on it, pro secundo it is a total waste considering your future health in older age, not to mention the social security aspect.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    op i think you have just learnt the greatest thing here, your in a win win situation ...
    you want to eat less - so you now know you can prepare less - therefore you can buy less - so you can reduce your food bill - so you can save money for more fun stuff :D yay!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    as I said in the first post.

    I buy exactly the food that I need once a week, and it will last me the whole week. All my plates cups (whatever i use)... are exactly weight and calories are tracked as well, so I think it doesn't matter if big plate or small one.

    and I am here to learn, that's why I ask stupid questions, I am not perfect. but I guess other are (the smart-*kitten* way some talk on here)

    Make your freezer your best friend.
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    didnt mean to be *****y, but i said before, that the amount of food was calculated and not too much. just made me fuller than usual.

  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    didnt mean to be *****y, but i said before, that the amount of food was calculated and not too much. just made me fuller than usual.


    So there is nothing wrong, unless you think feeling full is wrong.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    didnt mean to be *****y, but i said before, that the amount of food was calculated and not too much. just made me fuller than usual.



    Posts asking for help with a problem, but doesn't really have a problem. Seems legit.

    There could be lots of reasons you feel more full than usual. Listen to your body, not your mind. You don't have to finish the entire plate every time.

    So...stop eating when you feel full to avoid feeling OVERfull, if you don't like that feeling, and either save the rest for later, or throw it away.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    if your calories are worked out correctly but you dont like feeling full then divide your meal, put half on a small plate and the rest in your fridge to eat later when your hungry

    if you have made more than you acctually need then freeze it for a later date

    if its because your eating to a time table insted of to your body signals then try taking notes of how you feel before you eat so you can be better in tune with your body and eat when your body needs fuel
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Despite how you buy, prepare or measure or whatever, if you are full, you can stop. Can you put the leftover in a container and have it as a snack? That's what I do. For example, the other night we had steak & I got full when I still had maybe 3-4 bites left. Not enough really for another meal, but perfect for a snack.
  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 284 Member
    How about when you shop for the week, you plan for one or two meals less so that you can eat any leftover food then? This way you won't "need" to finish your plate when you're full - just put it in the fridge to have it on the "fridge clean-up day". If you end up not having any leftover food for that day you can always eat something you always have at home, like fruits or a larger snack.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    as i said in the first post.

    i buy exactly the food that i need once a week, and it will last me the whole week. all my plates cups (whatever i use)... are exactly weight and calories are tracked as well, so i think it doesnt matter if big plate or small one.

    and i am here to learn, thats why i ask stupid questions, i am not perfect. but i guess other are (the smartass way some talk on here)

    Nobody was being a smartass, they were offering you advice (which is what you asked for)!
  • Lifting_Knitter
    didnt mean to be *****y, but i said before, that the amount of food was calculated and not too much. just made me fuller than usual.


    That is okay, It is a learning process. How to deal with certain foods, it may just be mixing higher calorie foods with lower to make it the right amount. It takes some time to get used to and as long as you are at your calorie deficiet, I wouldn't worry. This will probably happen again, it still does for me. :smile:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This thread has me slightly confused. I am going to go to sleep, now, and have dreams about flying, or being in a mall that isn't actually a mall, because it's a school.
  • DivineDee
    How many meals do you eat a day? I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner than another snack before I go to bed at night. If, I have something left over and I can still work in into my calories than I might use it for a snack. But everything that I eat is calorie and portion controlled. I never feel stuffed like I use too and I feel better. But, what may work for me may not work for someone else. It's really a trial and error process but eventually you get it right. All of us are learning, don't be so hard on yourself.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    didnt mean to be *****y, but i said before, that the amount of food was calculated and not too much. just made me fuller than usual.


    Well then what are you asking?!?!! You're mad at yourself for finishing your plate that you carefully "calculated"? Why are you asking for help when clearly you know all the answers.
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Its all about weighing food and plate size, if you've weighed out your food and its in your calorie range then theres no reason to feel guilty if you've cleared your plate?