Mountain Dew Diet?!?!



  • HEK81
    HEK81 Posts: 50 Member
    Years ago I worked at a store and had unlimited access to MD. When I tried to stop drinking it, I started getting headaches. I had become physically addicted to it. I have ready that you can become dehydrated and even constipated from lack of water. I know it sounds gross but I've read that they body will try to reabsorb the water in your bowels. The lack of water will cause toxins to build in the body. There are many benefits of drinking water but it may be a good idea to show him tasty alternatives like Crystal Light, to help him kind of step down.
  • deba1963
    deba1963 Posts: 13
    OK, as a registered dental hygienist, I just can't let this post go without commenting. Besides the obvious points already made about MD addiction....most people don't know that ANY carbonated drink is hard on your teeth. It changes the pH of the mouth to a very acidic environment. and it takes a minimum of 20 minutes for your mouth to recover and regain it's natural balance. So if you take another drink within that 20 minutes -- like most people do -- you are just bathing your teeth in acid. This is true for regular and diet drinks alike. Mountain Dew is much worse than most drinks because it not only contains the acid nature of the carbonation, but also has citric acid in it. You might as well be washing your teeth with diluted battery acid - literally!! I see decay -- very rampant decay -- from Mountain Dew drinkers daily. Do whatever you have to do, but get off the stuff!!! I love it as much as anyone, but I limit myself to one diet soda a day and that is with a meal, which is easier on your teeth. Just a little professional side note to the Mountain Dew dilemma......:wink:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I am a recovering MD addict. I haven't had a drink in 10 years, and 3 months (Jan. 1, 2000, it is the ONLY NYR I've EVER kept:noway: ). I went from a MINIMUM of 3 liters a day, to NONE. I do NOT recommend cold turkey. The addiction is real. I had a caffeine withdrawal headache for over a month. I would not allow myself to even take excederin to relieve the pain (it contains caffeine). I know that for me, what got me to finally quit was a lack of sleep. I slept MAYBE 2 hours a night because of all the caffeine (I have since discovered that I am abnormally sensitive to caffeine:ohwell: ). After the headache subsided, I began to feel MUCH better, and I SLEPT! I made the mistake of replacing my MD with Hawaiian Punch Fruit Juicy Red:laugh: Umm, I think it may actually have MORE sugar! But no caffeine!

    My advice to you is to not push the issue. If he already knows your thoughts and feelings on the matter, just let it lie for awhile. Nagging will only cause him to dig his heels in even further. You CAN stop buying MD. I know that this won't stop him from going to the nearest gas station and buying it, but it WILL make it that much more difficult for him! When he does finally make the decision to quit, ABSOLUTELY NO "I TOLD YOU SO"s!!!! NO "About time"s!!!! Also, NO "FIIINALY!"s. Do whatever he needs you to do to support him. It's not easy.

    If you will settle for merely adding water in ADDITION to his MD, perhaps you can make a deal with him? To start, maybe it can be that if he drinks 8 oz of water (even if it's flavored water!) for every 16 oz of MD he has during the day, then you will fix him his favorite meal, go on a date with him, or whatever will trip his trigger:wink: . Once he can consistently do that, then up it to 8 oz H2O for 8 oz MD. I don't if it will work for him, but this is what I am doing for my 2.5 yo son who only wants to drink milk. (Good for him, I know, but he would drink a gal a day by himself if I let him!)

    Good luck! Please let us know if you find something that works for you!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    OK, as a registered dental hygienist, I just can't let this post go without commenting. Besides the obvious points already made about MD addiction....most people don't know that ANY carbonated drink is hard on your teeth. It changes the pH of the mouth to a very acidic environment. and it takes a minimum of 20 minutes for your mouth to recover and regain it's natural balance. So if you take another drink within that 20 minutes -- like most people do -- you are just bathing your teeth in acid. This is true for regular and diet drinks alike. Mountain Dew is much worse than most drinks because it not only contains the acid nature of the carbonation, but also has citric acid in it. You might as well be washing your teeth with diluted battery acid - literally!! I see decay -- very rampant decay -- from Mountain Dew drinkers daily. Do whatever you have to do, but get off the stuff!!! I love it as much as anyone, but I limit myself to one diet soda a day and that is with a meal, which is easier on your teeth. Just a little professional side note to the Mountain Dew dilemma......:wink:

    Wow. That's really good to know. And scary! Now I know how my dental hygienists always know that I don't drink much soda.