Aftermath of a Sugar Binge. What do I do now?



  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    The bigger question is why are you feeling guilty and disgusted? You ate more than you maybe should have but you did not break any laws or kill someone. Poor self esteem is your bigger problem and what goes on in your head. It sets you up for failure if you do not love yourself heavy you will not feel you deserve to be thin. Food issues are more in the head than the mouth. Keep loving yourself and stop punishing yourself for not being perfect none of us are.
  • mtaiken2
    It's okay...just breathe.....we have all had this is a new day. Just like the other day I had this overwhelming craving for a cheese burger, I had not had one in like 2 months...the thought of eating that cheese burger literally had my mouth watering....and yes I ate that dang cheese burger and enjoyed it.....but i know, you have a good time eating it and then after that is when the guilt sets in. I actually say to myself okay well I ate it so tomorrow is a new day and I am going to do better. Yes I know it sounds silly talking to yourself but, It really is training your brain as much as working on your body...took me a long time to realize this. But, it is okay, the only problem is if you let yourself believe that, well now I have totally screwed up and I should just give up....Retrain your brain to think okay so I messed up, today is a new day and I am going to do better cause I want to be fit and healthy more than I want that cake, burger, etc. :flowerforyou:
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Why are your calories set so low? You are looking for a 1lb weight loss. You should be looking at maintenence calories now. Stop looking at food as "bad" or sugar as "evil". Your body, in the end, processes it all as glucose anyways. Plan for sweets, work out extra hard if you eat more of them, and track. I'd bet if looked on here, you'd find almost everything you ate.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    If you weren't eating such a huge deficit you probably wouldn't lose control of yourself. Go calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat over your BMR and below your TDEE.

    The answer to your question is to just get back on the horse.

    Do this. With an appropriate calorie goal you can work in a moderate amount of sweets and not feel the need to binge when you finally let yourself have a treat.

    This. You don't need to be on a 1200 calorie diet if you're 1 pound away from your 6 pounds total weight loss goal.
  • Abi_bug04
    If you weren't eating such a huge deficit you probably wouldn't lose control of yourself. Go calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat over your BMR and below your TDEE.

    The answer to your question is to just get back on the horse.

    Do this. With an appropriate calorie goal you can work in a moderate amount of sweets and not feel the need to binge when you finally let yourself have a treat.

    This. You don't need to be on a 1200 calorie diet if you're 1 pound away from your 6 pounds total weight loss goal.

    ^^^^^ ALL THIS

    I just recently started to use the TDEE/BMR method and absolutely love it!
    It let's me eat to my fill (!!!!!) and also makes me very aware of what I am putting in my body!
    I was referred to the "spreadsheet" which does all the calculations for you (you just need to put in your exercise amounts for the week, and it calculates the net amount of calories you should be eating.

    You can download it from here:

    I generally stick to the "simple setup" tab because it is straight forward. I may go into it a bit more and tweak it once I have lost more weight, however for now I am sticking to that! I then just manually change my MFP settings to the target indicated by the spreadsheet. Afterwards, I don't add in any exercise, unless I do something absolutely intense. I thought that this method took away the uncertainty of wondering about how many calories were right for me based on my activity level!

    Just another option that makes all of this simpler!

    Good luck!
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    The bigger question is why are you feeling guilty and disgusted? You ate more than you maybe should have but you did not break any laws or kill someone. Poor self esteem is your bigger problem and what goes on in your head. It sets you up for failure if you do not love yourself heavy you will not feel you deserve to be thin. Food issues are more in the head than the mouth. Keep loving yourself and stop punishing yourself for not being perfect none of us are.

    Just want to repeat what you just said "If you don't love yourself heavy, you will not feel you deserve to be thin" ...great.:heart: I interpreted the heavy to mean 'a lot'

    I had a wretched night last night too, so thanks for asking this question and thanks for all the motivating responses:happy: