I don't know about you guys, but I cheat. A lot. Not every day, but at least once or twice a week. Usually just a few hundred calories over my allotment, but sometimes more. I don't really care too much, because I'm only trying to lose 10 pounds and I exercise a lot, and I know I'm healthy. But something about cheating really bad just makes me want to quit my diet entirely and eat and eat and eat. I know a lot of you out there probably feel this way. I know the right thing to do is just trudge on and make tomorrow a better day. I just want to vent. When you're losing those last 10 pounds, it just sucks so bad.

I think it must be a week or so before my TOM because I just have a bottomless pit for a stomach at that time. Grr...

I will not lose hope - will just try again tomorrow :-)


  • PecanTan
    PecanTan Posts: 47
    Just keep on hating it because you don't want to get to the point where it dose not matter if you cheat or not. Keep reminding yourself that you worth those last ten pound and remember how hard this journey were to get to those last ten pounds, so don't just take lightly that it's only ten pounds because it could go in the other directions and I know that you would not want that to happen. You can get those last pounds just don't beat yourself up about things that's over and done with. Good Luck and hang in there you are almost at your goal.:flowerforyou:
  • mlv333
    mlv333 Posts: 86 Member
    I was just running with a friend who has never ran in her life, and she was sooooo angry with herself for not running the same 2 miles we did the previous week. I told her to stop beating herself up for not achieving today's goal. Thank your body for what it has done for you thus far, and try again next week. To give up would be what you really should get angry about. I think when we talk ourselves down it pushes us to stop making goals for ourselves, so we don't treat ourselves so badly. Very kumbaya, I know.

    Oh, and to shut my stomach up during TOM, I eat nothing but high fiber foods. It may also encourage my bloating, but at least I don't try to eat the gallon of ice cream I totally deserve :)
  • erinbears
    Yes! I feel exactly the same way. I just returned yesterday from Hawaii where it was expecially hard to stick to my diet. All those pina coladas and big dinners were too good to pass up. So today, I almost feel like just giving up. I didn't, but the temptation is great. You have inspired me to remain strong and continue with the hard work.
  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement to stick with it. I'm also grumpy because I'm going on vacation for four days (eating out and no access to a computer...) so I know it's going to get EVEN harder to make the right choices. But I'll try! And if I totally screw up then I can come home and get back on MFP and start again.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    What are you eating that makes you think you are cheating? Maybe if you try to incorporate those foods into your daily diet, you won't look at it as cheating.

    I don't cheat because I allow myself all food in moderation. I still drink, eat chocolate, the occasional bad food, and I don't let it get me down. I monitor my weight on a daily basis and know when I might have overindulged too much.

    Beating yourself up will only make you throw in the towel a lot faster.
  • missmalibu
    What are you eating that makes you think you are cheating? Maybe if you try to incorporate those foods into your daily diet, you won't look at it as cheating.

    I don't cheat because I allow myself all food in moderation. I still drink, eat chocolate, the occasional bad food, and I don't let it get me down. I monitor my weight on a daily basis and know when I might have overindulged too much.

    Beating yourself up will only make you throw in the towel a lot faster.

    I agree with what she said, except for the part about daily weighing! I weigh weekly, that way the days when I sneak over my calorie goal balance out with the good days and I've always lost or maintained
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    every one hates when the bag of candy is empty....or in my case the many bottles of beer lol

    You have to remember this is not a diet, but something you will do for life. You have to figure out how much you can cheat and still get to your goals. If you had a bad week, make the next week that much better.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have to echo fieldsy here -- not a diet.

    It took me a while, but I really believe I've made a *lifestyle change* now. I don't even think about my "diet" and how I *can't* do or eat something because of my stuipid "diet." That's BS. If I really want to eat something, I'm going to eat it. I ate a pimento burger & fried pickles last Sunday. Yeah, the entire burger. Yeah, like half a huge order of fried pickles & ranch dressing. Oh, and a pint of beer... and it definitely wasn't light beer (:sick:). :wink: It didn't even cross my mind that I was "cheating." It wasn't cheating.... it was delicious! It was life, and I enjoyed myself & had a lot of fun with friends and I'm glad I did it. And I would (and will) do it again. :laugh:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I have to echo fieldsy here -- not a diet.

    It took me a while, but I really believe I've made a *lifestyle change* now. I don't even think about my "diet" and how I *can't* do or eat something because of my stuipid "diet." That's BS. If I really want to eat something, I'm going to eat it. I ate a pimento burger & fried pickles last Sunday. Yeah, the entire burger. Yeah, like half a huge order of fried pickles & ranch dressing. Oh, and a pint of beer... and it definitely wasn't light beer (:sick:). :wink: It didn't even cross my mind that I was "cheating." It wasn't cheating.... it was delicious! It was life, and I enjoyed myself & had a lot of fun with friends and I'm glad I did it. And I would (and will) do it again. :laugh:

    I totally love this mindset and I try to possess it as well... since I'm still a good 23 pounds from being done losing weight, I try not to "cheat" so much so I can just get into the maintenance stage already, but, this is my life now. I've always wanted to get to the place where I realized EXACTLY what works for me to lose weight & maintain it and I finally have, so I'm equipped and ready to do this the rest of my life. So I can fit into my wedding dress, bounce back after kids and teach my kids how to be healthy and active without it being a drag.

    Don't worry about your cheating, just use it as motivation to do better. Every time I cheat, I don't feel like giving up because then I know the food is winning. I'm in this to WIN it and cheating just makes me want to work harder. For instance, I ate WAY too much Wednesday night & ended up not losing the pound I was hoping for the next day. I didn't go over my calories, but I went over fat... I figured it was sodium making me retain water so yesterday I drank as much water as I could and as much fiber to literally push that stuff out of my body & today I lost the lb! Sometimes it just takes a couple good days after the bad day to get back on the right track. Work out harder to burn off the calories & accept that you can't change the past but you can change the future. :happy: