Fellow Beachbody warriors!

Hey everyone my name is Jen and I am a beachbody coach and Turbofire Student.
I am 28 years old and have been with my husband for 10 years. We have 2 wonderful children together, Joey is 9 and Alyssa is 7 months. I have to awesome privledge to being a stay at home mom which I do not take for granted at all! I was always small in school (107lbs when I got pregnant with my son) but was never really "healthy" so when I got pregnant and had to actually start eating I literally "blew up!!!" It slowly got worse and worse over the next 7 years. We had moved from PA to the wonderful state of NC and an awesome coastal community where I met some great friends but also hated going anywhere because of the beach and the constant reminder from "skinny girls" So in July of 2011 I decided I hated the way my life was going (220+lbs). I was not happy in my own skin so to help my mother in law (mom) being diabetic and over weight we started working out together. I lost 10lbs over the next 2 months and had made the decision not to "diet" and "Exercise" but make a life style change! I then found out I was pregnant with my Daughter. Usually this would be my cue to stop but I didn't, I walked 3-4 miles a day and went swimming every night. I ended up being 221lbs when I had my daughter and because I had kicked my metablisim into high gear already I have already dropped 40lbs since August and still have 40 more to go. I have attempted P90X, I have done Insanity and I am currently doing Turbofire and I love it!! I am here to help motivate you to change your life!

So if you are doing a beachbody workout or thinking about doing a beachbody workout let me know what you think! Any questions you may have and how your results have been!! I love Beachbody and MFP!! Together these 2 programs can change your life!!