Top 10 Things I Hate About the Gym!



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I would prefer grunting from a hard workout to people talking on their cellphones while on the cardio equipment! People might disagree with me, but the same goes for texting and reading on the machines. I mean, workout or don't workout. Stop phoning it in! Get in a HARD workout in 30 minutes instead of lollygagging on the machines for an hour reading a gossip magazine.

    Also, seeing people hold themselves up on the stair climber. I'm not impressed with how fast you are going when you are supporting 40% of your weight with your arms! You are only cheating yourself (and annoying the crap outta me!).

    But really, I just get annoyed by the crowds at my gym. I like to circuit train and I just can't move quickly enough from exercise to exercise when I have to fight the crowds. I've been working out in my living room with very minimal equipment and getting as good (if not better) results than when I belonged to a gym.

    I do miss the sauna though!

    Hey I read magazines when I am on the stair machine.. Makes time go by faster.

    I have tried to read on the machines before and there is no way I can get as intense of a workout in while doing it. I would rather crank it up and really focus for 20 minutes than try to multitask for 40 minutes, but I guess it works for some people. The machines are typically very crowded at my gym during the winter and they don't all have time limits. So when I see people reading I feel like they are prolonging what they could do in a shorter amount of time. But since I started workout out at home, it is no longer a problem!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I want a Cardio Cinema in my gym! :ohwell:

    It's the best! They play a different movie all day. Makes the time fly by while you are working out.

    I love our Cardio Cinema too. Was watching the Blind Side and didn't even realize a hour already went by.
  • SarahDawn00

    I have tried to read on the machines before and there is no way I can get as intense of a workout in while doing it. I would rather crank it up and really focus for 20 minutes than try to multitask for 40 minutes, but I guess it works for some people. The machines are typically very crowded at my gym during the winter and they don't all have time limits. So when I see people reading I feel like they are prolonging what they could do in a shorter amount of time. But since I started workout out at home, it is no longer a problem!

    I can't really run and read. But if I am on the stair machine I can at least browse through a magazine. I know what you mean though if they are barely moving and holding on the entire time just taking up time on the machine. Like when I see people have a high incline on the treadmill and the are leaning on the top. I want to tell them that they are not getting a good workout by hanging on...but then I would be one of those people we hate at the gym! haha!
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    I'm getting a kick out of reading the posts where some of you admit you do something that's on another person's hate list (like reading on a bike or treadmill). I haven't seen honesty like this in a long time!! Keep up the good work!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I was at the gym MANY moons ago, and found myself staring unbelieving at a very large man who'd parked his hiney on a weight bench and was eating McDonalds. true story...

    I had to bump this post. So funny.

    I think it would actually motivate me to keep working out if I saw someone chowing down on McD's in the weight room. lol.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm getting a kick out of reading the posts where some of you admit you do something that's on another person's hate list (like reading on a bike or treadmill). I haven't seen honesty like this in a long time!! Keep up the good work!

    I read on the treadmill and the elliptical 99% of the time. But I'm sweating my butt off while I'm doing it! :laugh:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm getting a kick out of reading the posts where some of you admit you do something that's on another person's hate list (like reading on a bike or treadmill). I haven't seen honesty like this in a long time!! Keep up the good work!

    I read on the treadmill and the elliptical 99% of the time. But I'm sweating my butt off while I'm doing it! :laugh:

    I should have clarified that I was referring to people dinking along, barely breaking a sweat and hogging the machines in the process. I'm also skewed by my own experience in trying to read (anything of content) and realizing that either 1) my understanding of the reading was going to suffer or 2) I was only going to get in a half-hearted workout. I'm terrible at multi-tasking, though.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm getting a kick out of reading the posts where some of you admit you do something that's on another person's hate list (like reading on a bike or treadmill). I haven't seen honesty like this in a long time!! Keep up the good work!

    I read on the treadmill and the elliptical 99% of the time. But I'm sweating my butt off while I'm doing it! :laugh:

    I should have clarified that I was referring to people dinking along, barely breaking a sweat and hogging the machines in the process. I'm also skewed by my own experience in trying to read (anything of content) and realizing that either 1) my understanding of the reading was going to suffer or 2) I was only going to get in a half-hearted workout. I'm terrible at multi-tasking, though

    It's okay, I didn't take it personally. Those people annoy me too, especially the ones who chatter away on the phone. One lady was going on loudly for about 20 minutes, when I politely asked her to quiet down, she got really nasty with me! One person loudly and pointedly thanked me for asking her to shut it because she was annoying him too. :laugh:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    only problem I hate is when people take there sweet *kitten* time on machines you want to use.

    In between sets these guys/girls will chat on there phones for 5-10 min just sitting on the bench...while I am waiting to bang out a few sets.

    Its one of the main reasons why I built my home gym. I love it.
  • amillward27
    When females go into use free weights and the entire time the guys just stare. I mean Come on Men, have you really never seen a girl before in short and a tank top? Ugh. We can be at the gym sweaty with no makeup and we are STILL eyecandy to men, its disgusting.
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    I would prefer grunting from a hard workout to people talking on their cellphones while on the cardio equipment! People might disagree with me, but the same goes for texting and reading on the machines. I mean, workout or don't workout. Stop phoning it in! Get in a HARD workout in 30 minutes instead of lollygagging on the machines for an hour reading a gossip magazine.

    Hey I read magazines when I am on the stair machine.. Makes time go by faster.

    How about a person reading a book while she is walking on the track? THAT annoys me to no end! I mean, really! If walking on the track is THAT BAD, then walk on a treadmill with your book. At least then you don't wave to hold the thing.

    ...I will give her this, though. She always stays in her lane - better than some of the non-book-reading walkers... :bigsmile:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Wow...everyone seems to hate thin people.

    The only complaint I have is people that don't wipe off the equipment...that's just gross.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    1. The fact that the music is SO LOUD that I can't hear my freaking ipod and get a headache from the competing noises. This doesn't happen all the time, but some of the aerobic instructors like the really pump up the volume. CLOSE THE DOOR and we would all be happier.

    2. People who carry around cell phones when they work out. I don't know why this bugs me, but it does. LOL.

    3. I go to a small gym. I really really miss the steam room. boo

    talking on the cell is one thing but having the cell phone with you i dont find a big deal. I myself am a single mom so when i go to the gym i have my phone with me incase my son Needs to call me. i dont have it with me to talk on when i am there . People should be able to be away from the phone during that time.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Wow...everyone seems to hate thin people.

  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Wow...everyone seems to hate thin people.


    Seems so. Most people on this thread have bashed them.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I don't hate thin people, just the "make up girls" who pretend to work out so they can check out guys. Don't they know if they don't actually start working ou that they are not going to look like that forever? That's how I ended up threr in the first place ( not checking out guys, but just by being lazy) I also hate the guys on the circuit machines that leave the room in the middle of their set and when they came back in and I'm wiping down their machine to use it , they're like "Uh I was still Using that" If you're not done, don't walk away, it looks to me like you're done that way!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    Im currently not a member, I work out at home, but when I was...I had a few pet peeves...

    1. The naked thing. Dont get it. What's worse is I was a member of the same gym as my boss and saw her naked plenty of times. That's something that just shouldnt happen!

    2. Men who want to compete with you all the time! I lift A LOT of weight. At one point [15+ years ago] I had considered bodybuilding professionally and want to get back to that place again. At the was a constant competition with the men there.

    3. People who dont put away the weights or mats and leave them all over the floor for people to trip all over.

    4. Music. Why is it always so loud and why is it always Euro-Techno trash???

    5. The trainers. Ive had run-ins with some of THE WORST trainers ever! The ones who think women should be thin and not muscular so they dont really help you with your goals. And these were people who I didnt even hire - they're just roaming around putting their 2cents into everyone's business.

    6. Perfume. Why do some women have to wear heavy perfumes at the gym? The makeup I dont mind, the perfume gives me headaches!

    Oh...and I will admit...I AM one of those people who lift weights in front of a mirror - I do it at home too. I check for form. And I like the way I look when Im lifting too. Makes me feel good. I also will admit I do flex in the mirrors too....usually after a workout :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Wow...everyone seems to hate thin people.


    Seems so. Most people on this thread have bashed them.

    Three posts in a three page thread hardly means "everyone".
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Wow...everyone seems to hate thin people.


    Seems so. Most people on this thread have bashed them.

    Three posts in a three page thread hardly means "everyone".

    This is a responce that I sent to Katlinj after she PMd me about the subject:

    "It's not a huge deal...but I'm seeing it more and more on the boards. I especially take offence because I am one of the thin ones. No I'm not at the gym in full make-up (that would just be silly). I pretty much go to an all guys gym for that bimbos trying to pick up guys. I'm there to work out and work hard (I go to a small gym so I can avoid the girls that want the fitness classes and the sauna and the pool).
    The bashing that I keep seeing is blatant discrimination against thin people (whether they are there to pick up or otherwise). It's disturbing to see other women comment that just because someone wears a size 0 that that person doesn't 'need' to be at the gym. Sorry if I come off as pissy on this but it's degrading to the women that they are making fun of. Trash talk is trash talk no matter what."
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I don't mind anyone at the gym due to size skinny or larger as long as they are there to work out. I just look at the skinny girls that are working out and it motivates me since I would like to fit into those cute booty shorts too.