
Hello everyone i joined a little over a month ago and then never got motivated enough and now i'm back and ready to kick this weights butt!! I never in my life thought i could let myself go so easily and with having 3 kids i guess the excuses sounded legit and i figured i could get away with it but not anymore i realized that just because i have 3 babies doesnt mean i cant do anything for myself so this morning i put my 6month old in his bouncer and let him watch while i kicked some butt with Jillian Michaels he even got a few good laughs out of it :) I cant wait to meet some of you ladies and gents on here to help support and encourge you as we make this journey together. Good luck everyone and remember to keep strong because together we can do this and when this fight!


  • fkwilhelm
    fkwilhelm Posts: 42 Member

    I know that situation - I have three lovely daughters, two of whom have a disability. I need to work all fitness into a crammed schedule. One way for me to do it is to walk as much as I can