Out of sync....

kazmor Posts: 18
So I've had a week off work and found that I've not once set foot in the gym and my eating habits have not been so healthy.
My intentions were to spend some time with the boyfriend :love: as he also had time off work but I also made a promise to myself I would hit the gym most days even if it was just to swim.

Instead I've lazed around in bed till 9ish had a late breakfast then just slobbed around the house till lunch time. Then made the effort to get dressed and take the dogs for a stroll around the park. Although thats only happened twice this week as the weather as been horrid. Most evenings we've eaten out or popped down to the pub for a drink or 2 as we don't often get to do this together due to the different hours we work. So although I've enjoyed the week off and time we've spent together I feel like I've let myself down a little.:grumble:

I guess I've realised that I need more structure in my day. For instance a normal day would be up at 5am. Quick 20 mins walk with the dogs,showered,dressed and in the office for 7-7.30. Leave the office at 4pm head to the gym for a session or a class then home for dinner. That I can stick to and do 3 or 4 times a week and I love it. Why is it then that when I have all the time in the world I just can't motivate myself.

I'm just glad to be going back to work next Tuesday and get back to my normal routine. Not looking forward to stepping on those scales next week though :mad:


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, now you have no excuse next week as you know your body is sufficiently fueled and rested for the kick butt workout sessions you are going to be giving it in the upcoming months. :wink: