Losing weight while not having time



  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 284 Member
    I sympathize, I also have a hard time staying on track while travelling. I'm also going to a conference in the US next month, so this time I plan to fill my hotel room fridge with healthy snacks to take with me every day. There are no free buffets / coffee breaks in my conference (it's a big one) so that helps. I have booked a hotel with a fitness room and I plan to use it early in the morning before I leave for the conf venue. For dinners, it's more difficult. I know I'll meet a lot of colleagues and I do want to talk with them over dinner, so I'll just try to go to good restaurant and choose a healthy option.

    Now in your case, I'd suggest trying to walk if you don't mind the distance. Or walking/jogging around the hotel before you leave for the conference. I agree with the others, try to avoid all the calorie dense foods in coffee breaks (or if you must, have one, in only one coffee break).

    As for the long distance trip, how about packing some fruit/other snack to have with you in the plane? (Make sure you eat it before you land though! :)) Also be careful with drinks - I used to drink so many juices. This time I'll just have water.
  • fkwilhelm
    fkwilhelm Posts: 42 Member
    'I am a foodie' means I like to eat well, which can be healthy.This is also why I am not going on any fast diet, rather try to lose weight slowly - it may take me two years to reach my goal, but then I expect it to stay that way. Which means here: My diet goal is 2490 kcal per day and if I can keep this on every conference day, I am okay.

    Jogging is not an option - I have all kinds of weirdness with my feet and knees. Cycling and walking are my sports.

    For coffee breaks, I try to restrict myself to fruit.

    For the long-distance flight, the airplane food has not been the problem in the past - it's the Senator lounge in Frankfurt and it is the fact that I am extremely hungry when I arrive at the hotel.

    I will let you know how it goes in about a week's time.

    Also, I am interested in dealing with this at big conferences - I am going to two of these in March and will explain the situation after the current one is over.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I know this isn't what you want to hear but..... you have to make time...


    I worked 70 hours last week.

    But I still got up at 6:30 and got to the gym 5 days out of 7 before work.