I could use some input.

Let me give you a little bit of background: I started this journey at 221lbs. I started P90X about 5 weeks ago, and around the same time also started Seasonale birth control pills. My goal is to lose weight and build muscle. To date I've lost roughly 14lbs. I'm trying low calorie, semi low-carb, but not too concerned with protein.

I've cut out all soft drinks, tea, and most all of my coffee. Sticking with water exclusively (or the occasional glass of skim milk). In addition to the P90X, I'm also running on the treadmill (on P90X strength days I run, on cardio days, I don't run). In the time I've started, I've gone from running 1min to 40 minutes (last night).

Two weeks ago I had a little bit of a weigh-in confusion, in which I tracked the lesser weight. Basically, I weighed at a 3lb gain in the morning, but my weigh-in the early evening showed a 3lb loss. A week ago, it should a 3 lb gain again, which I admittedly did not log (thinking it was another fluke like before). Around this time, I started having breakthrough bleeding from my birth control pills and feeling bloated and full. I am still having breakthrough bleeding, feeling bloated and full. Today so far, my weight has not changed. Also, I'm having "bathroom" problems. I'm not as regular as I'd like to be. Goes from one extreme to another (hope that makes sense without giving TMI).

I did do one week measurements last week, which showed a loss of 7 inches total. My clothes are fitting good, I feel better, but i"m not sure why #1 the scale is playing tricks on me, #2 I feel so bloated and full, #3 I'm having bathroom problems.

Any input? My diary is open...and I'm open to input, please!


  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    My first inclination is to say that you need to eat more. Secondly, I would begin to track your sodium. Lastly...please, back away from the scale. If you MUST weigh every day, do it nakey in the morning - just as you get up. The more you weight and try to figure it out, the more obcessive and crazy it all gets.

    Be kind to yourself. You're in it for YOU!
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    I'd like to say good job on the running that's a goal of mine. The scale is a mystery of mine to I weigh myself way more then I should to.to. Good luck