

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have to agree about being frustrated by Jillian Michael's weight loss pills and products. I love, love, love her workouts but I know that dropping 30 lbs. in 30 days isn't realistic for me. It's taken me four months to lose that weight, but I'm darn proud of it! I liked JM much better when she had a few books and some workout videos and was just a personal trainer. I like her in-your-face honesty but not the promotion of losing a ton of weight in a short amount of time. Sure, we'd all like it to happen, but I think too many people give up when they don't see the results she promises in the amount of time she promises.

    The point that most people forget about her Biggest Loser contestants is that they live in an environment while on the ranch where all they do is carefully watch what they eat and workout for hours a day. Meanwhile, the rest of us have jobs, family, friends, and other commitments that we're trying to juggle.

    Okay, I'm done with my rant!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    The tip about sodium and processed foods is so true! People will say, "I'm eating healthy!" when at least one of their daily meals comes out of a box in the pantry or freezer. My motto is: if I didn't make it myself, it's probably not healthy.

    That is a great motto. I have come to the same conclusions!!!

    My lesson for March was SODIUM. I thought I was making a healthy choice when out to eat lunch one Sunday. The surprise came when I entered my food... 4000mg of sodium. So, a few days later, I made some homemade soup... surprise: 1000 mg of sodium per bowl. The culprit... canned veggies and tomato sauce. So, I had done an awesome job of getting my sodium down as the month progressed.

    I have been yearning for some pasta with spagetti sauce... but I have been fearing the sodium monster. The other day, I was looking at spagetti sauces at the store, to see if there was one with acceptable levels of sodium. I pick up a jar that advertises as Heart Smart. What do I see... beaucoup sodium levels. I think to myself... isn't hypertension a serious cardiac concern. According to the label... nope... Heart Smart is only concerned with fat and cholesterol.

    The simple matter of the fact is that ANYTHING processed, be it Twinkies or canned corn, has boo-koodles of sodium. Avoid processed foods (no matter how yummy they taste) and you will take a major step toward cutting your sodium. Remember, sodium is a dessicant (water absorber). When the sodium gets into your cells, it causes the cells to absorb water, and your water retention goes up. This means that every ounce of fat you bust your butt to burn off is being replaced by some water.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    thanks! although JM isnt my favorite person (LOL) her tips are usually spot on.

    why dont you like her? just curious. i love just how "in your face" she is and how blunt she is. of course, im that way too so that could be why i love her so much. :)

    I know your question wasn't directed at me, but I'll answer.
    I feel JM promotes unhealthy weight loss. There, I said it.
    I know she's in it for the money, but I can't stand her "cleanses" and her protein powder full of CRAP and her incessant promotion of rapid weight loss ("Lose 20 pounds in 30 days" with 30 Day Shred, for example). I think, in reality, all of that promotion of unrealistic weight loss is really discouraging to the majority of people -- they think there must be something wrong with them when they don't drop 9 pounds in a week. Or they think what they're doing isn't working. See all of these people on MFP complaining about losing a pound in a week? They should be CELEBRATING! 1 pound in a week is great!
    And that's the reason I completely understand why some people don't care for Jillian Michaels.
    I like her workouts. But I wouldn't buy any of her products (not because they're her products, but because the ones I've checked out are either BS or there are healthier alternatives). :smile:

    I haven't looked into any of her products much because I'm not interested in a cleanse or a fat burner. But I actually am wondering about what crap is in her protein powder. I actually have listened to all of the back episodes of her radio show (in podcast form) and Jillian seems to be quite picky about avoiding harmful chemicals and whatnot in food an other things that might enter our bodies (like through our skin--makeup, shampoo, etc.). I can't find the label for her protein powder ingredients but I remember on her show when she was talking about developing the powder she was talking about making it so that it wouldn't have all the crap that a lot of protein powders do.

    This is an honest question. I'm not really trying to defend her, just saying that from what I have heard of her speaking (without any of the marketing junk that can surround a product), she seems VERY anti-crap in food.
  • Thanks for this. I have been consistantly losing weight for about 6 weeks and I just keep waiting for my first plateau...when it happens now i know what to do.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Thought I'd link some other posts from the forums that would be useful reading: one on Exercise Calories - eat or not to eat:
    And 2nd on the importance of eating the Excercise Calories:

    Hope that helps some
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Fabulous information that I know I needed to hear. I feel redeemed in that I can justify eating a few more calories this weekend ::happy: I will now have to mix up my exercise routine now as well! Thanks for posting. This should be reposted monthly!!!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    Fabulous information that I know I needed to hear. I feel redeemed in that I can justify eating a few more calories this weekend ::happy: I will now have to mix up my exercise routine now as well! Thanks for posting. This should be reposted monthly!!!

    well youre welcome. I just thought it was a good thing to post since i keep seeing posters talking about hitting their plateaus and not knowing what to do about it. :) Glad it helped alot of you...Im not in a plateau right now but it came to my inbox so i figured it would good to post here. :)
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Saving for future reading
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Thanks for posting:smile:
  • Yes... this is a great tip. It's worked for me. I was stuck for about 2 wks... now I'm moving again.

    Welp! About to go for my afternoon walk during my lunch break.

    I'll keep taking notes! :happy:
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