Close to goal weight

Hey everyone I'm close to my goal weight only 6lbs away but haven't lost anything for 4 months now I'm getting frustrated and i don't know what to do. Im looking for some friends who are in the same boat i am in and maybe we can help motivate each other and give advice :) so feel free to add me if you are close to your goal weight like me!


  • mghanie
    mghanie Posts: 105 Member
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey. I am 4kg or 8.8 pounds away from my goal weight. I have started to weigh in once a month and have my trainer do my body fat and measurements as something else to focus on. My trainer says to mix up exercise so my body doesn't get used to it. Don't know if that helps.
  • I agree with elizak87....switch up the times you exercise & eat...that will wake up your metabolism! I eat little meals w/snacks throughout the day so that I'm always mixing things up a bit...I haven't lost much lately and am also close to my goal. But I am maintaining and that's a good thing....once Spring comes, I should be able to get out & be more active and hopefully burn off that last 4 pounds! You are more than welcome to come help me do yard work!! :tongue:
  • mghanie
    mghanie Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks guys! I was wondering what would happen if i started eating at maintenance which for me ia 1600, what would happen would i gain weight since im not losing by eating at a deficit of 1400 right now?