why do 95%of people put weight back on, ugh



  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    Well this is disheartening and makes me feel wonderful about me keeping my weight off long term. :frown: :sad:
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    3) Pre-packaged/pre-prepared food does not teach you how to eat healthily - Things like Lite n Easy, Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers frozen meals, etc...anything that delivers the exact quantities they say you need to eat and you don't have to actually choose anything or cook anything...that doesn't teach you how to eat healthily after you stop buying their food because you've never had to choose the size of your bread roll, the amount of pasta, the weight of your protein, the amount of sauce, etc. You've only ever been told "eat this and you will lose weight". You've learned nothing. The exact same thing goes for shake diets or meal replacement diets.

    Thank you!! I've had so many people lately tell me they want to do lite n easy and have prepackaged meals cause its an excellent diet and totally works..blah blah blah. But they're expensive and lazy! How can you possibly maintain that sort of eating plan forever? And who wants to take their prepackaged frozen meal to a restaurant and ask to use their microwave?
    *rant rant.* sorry, I'm just frustrated with these snake oil salesmen shoving a false message of 'easy rewards' at desperate people. The only way to learn to take care of yourself is to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I think they eat more than they expend.
  • poppogirl123
    My problem is sugar I have a sugar tooth that won't go away it is almost like a drug. What can someone do about something like that? I do good for a couple of days and then it just starts nagging at me and then all I want is something sweet.
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    I did Lighterlife 5 years ago, lost 7 stone within 6 months and have put it all back on over the last few years. I didn't learn to maintain so went back to my old habbits.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Being obese is just as much a psychological issue as a "eating healthy" issue. Not addressing the underlying reasons for why the weight gain started is a big reason they eventually gain that weight back. Depression and the realization that your life doesn't become perfect eventually brings them back to the same old habits of trying to fill the "void" with food, a temporary taste (literally) of happiness.

    My opinion.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Being obese is just as much a psychological issue as a "eating healthy" issue. Not addressing the underlying reasons for why the weight gain started is a big reason they eventually gain that weight back. Depression and the realization that your life doesn't become perfect eventually brings them back to the same old habits of trying to fill the "void" with food, a temporary taste (literally) of happiness.

    My opinion.
    Agreed this is definitely one of the main factors out of many. :ohwell:
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Having to lose weight has always been a lifetime endeavor for me ever since my early childhood. The numerous diets tried throughout the years varied but they always seemed to do what they were meant to do...lose weight.... but keeping it off was another issue that never seemed to happen. That roller coaster of losses and gains continued ..... only making me feel more of a failure and defeated. The "fat" girl, is what I conceded to be... I was destined to remain big, for it was who I was. I was ready to settle for just that. And still, even having lost nearly 400 pounds.. I still feel fat.

    It's amazing how a child being called that one single 3 letter word "fat", can carry with them so much power over the years. So much power that it molds your maladaptive thinking and behavioral actions during stressful and emotional times. Food became my comfort, my happiness, my escape, my secret, my dependancy, my coping....my life.

    Hating myself so much, I felt no one could ever possibly love me, so with my depleted self esteem, I wore a mask to hide behind. Over the years with my feelings of self loathing, unloveability, unworthiness & failure; it was cemented into my being by many occurances over and over again, making my maladaptive thoughts become my reality; solidifying my neg core beliefs.

    No amount of weight loss can rid you of the mental work one must have to do. I have to laugh when well meaning people say slurs to a obese/morbidly obese person, "well all you have to do is watch what you eat and exercise". This is pure ignorance to the whole situation; for if they understood, they would know that there's alot more than food and no exercise that gets a person to be obese/ morbidly obese...or super morbidly obese as I once was.

    Losing weight is hard work...but even harder is the loss one must work on to remove the years of maladaptive thinking, behaviors and negative core beliefs. We all can lose weight... it's the changing of the mind, thought, behaviors and beliefs that is the hardest. Everything together can make weight loss successful, you cannot succeed without workin on it all.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Having to lose weight has always been a lifetime endeavor for me ever since my early childhood. The numerous diets tried throughout the years varied but they always seemed to do what they were meant to do...lose weight.... but keeping it off was another issue that never seemed to happen. That roller coaster of losses and gains continued ..... only making me feel more of a failure and defeated. The "fat" girl, is what I conceded to be... I was destined to remain big, for it was who I was. I was ready to settle for just that. And still, even having lost nearly 400 pounds.. I still feel fat.

    It's amazing how a child being called that one single 3 letter word "fat", can carry with them so much power over the years. So much power that it molds your maladaptive thinking and behavioral actions during stressful and emotional times. Food became my comfort, my happiness, my escape, my secret, my dependancy, my coping....my life.

    Hating myself so much, I felt no one could ever possibly love me, so with my depleted self esteem, I wore a mask to hide behind. Over the years with my feelings of self loathing, unloveability, unworthiness & failure; it was cemented into my being by many occurances over and over again, making my maladaptive thoughts become my reality; solidifying my neg core beliefs.

    No amount of weight loss can rid you of the mental work one must have to do. I have to laugh when well meaning people say slurs to a obese/morbidly obese person, "well all you have to do is watch what you eat and exercise". This is pure ignorance to the whole situation; for if they understood, they would know that there's alot more than food and no exercise that gets a person to be obese/ morbidly obese...or super morbidly obese as I once was.

    Losing weight is hard work...but even harder is the loss one must work on to remove the years of maladaptive thinking, behaviors and negative core beliefs. We all can lose weight... it's the changing of the mind, thought, behaviors and beliefs that is the hardest. Everything together can make weight loss successful, you cannot succeed without workin on it all.

    If no one reads any other reply on this post...THIS! This is the truth and this is the reason why the recidivism is so high. Bless you and your struggle and winning the battle every day.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    WOW, great post! and OMG on 396lbs LOSS!!!! That is incredible!!!
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The reason is that people do things they hate, and give up things they love. You can only do that so long. When you stop doing those things you go back to what you did before and get fat again.

    Hours on the treadmill? Eating salad all the time? Stupid wastes of time that are doomed to failure.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have to laugh when well meaning people say slurs to a obese/morbidly obese person, "well all you have to do is watch what you eat and exercise". This is pure ignorance to the whole situation; for if they understood, they would know that there's alot more than food and no exercise that gets a person to be obese/ morbidly obese...or super morbidly obese as I once was.

    I have to disagree. Strongly. I was obese once, and it was because of the way I ate and lack of exercise.

    Know how I changed it? I ate better and exercised more. Now I'm healthy.

    Yeah, there are all sorts of mental challenges and reasons behind it, but the fundamental fact is that you simply have to eat less and exercise more to lose weight. That's exactly what I did.

    It's hard, but that's the bottom line. One day I said "I'm going to eat better and exercise more and lose weight." Five months later, I was no longer obese. I think it's counterproductive to pretend that it's something besides eating and exercise, because it isn't.
  • kelotto
    I lost 30 a few years ago and kept it off, within the last 6months I gained 10 back. Id say it was because of eating too many high calorie foods over the holidays, not exercising as much (bc it was alot colder out), and not weighing myself EVERYDAY. I know that might seem like alot but when I used weigh myself alot I knew when I was 2 lbs over what wanted to be so I'd be alot more conscience of food choices.

    -10 soon....(ok Im lying more like 12)
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    The ones who put it back on are on diets. The ones who keep it off have made a llifestyle change.

    ^^^^ Exactly this.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    For YOU it wasn't....for many people, it is. Food was something I used for something other than food. It was mental, it still is. Once I addressed that...I was on the road to being a healthy and fit person. It wasn't counterproductive for me...in fact, it made all the difference in the world.

    But that's my point. The thing that makes people fat is eating too much. There are all sorts of reasons people eat too much, but it's still that they're eating too much.

    "All you have to do is watch what you eat and exercise" is absolutely true. It might be very hard psychologically, but it's true.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    You know, I hadn't thought about it, but I was in a transformation challenge that ended last Thanksgiving. I think everyone except me and the woman who came in second has gained since the final weigh-in. And that's just three months - which, to be fair, include all of the "eat all the food" holidays of the year, but still, those come up every year, if you gain 5 pounds every winter that adds up. And thinking about it... yeah, this was presented as a challenge, a thing you do and then you're done, and tah-dah! Now you're a skinny person, go eat whatever you want.

    For me, weight loss wasn't the goal, so I'm still paying attention, which I guess is what it comes down to. It's way easier to eat a thousand calories than it is to burn it.