Elipticals - is it worh it?



  • gingersnapx00
    I love love love my elliptical! Its easy on the joints esp if you have problems. I enjoy mine b/c i have back issues and things like treadmills aggravate my back. I use it all the time and have achieved my weight loss goals with it along with circuit training. To me its more bang for your buck. Esp if you get one that works your arms. I would spend money on those than any other cardio equipment. You work more muscle groups as well than something like a bike. I don't like sitting on my butt when i do cardio. America does that enough as it is.:smile:
  • acbabbitt
    My husband and I wore the last elliptical out. (Not that we were on it at the same time - get your minds out of the gutter.)

    We picked up a new one today - very nice, pro gym quality - from a liquidator for $325.

    Please don't pay more than $500 for an elliptical. Unless, of course, there's absolutely no way you can find another way to spend that money :)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    If you will use it regularly then it will be a good investment, but personally I find them incredibly boring and struggle to do more than 20 minutes on mine, even with my favourite TV show or music on.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    We bought one a year ago and I use it just about every day. I couldn't do a treadmill or run outside becaue my knees didn't like it. We got a Livestrong model 10 something. It was somewhat expensive but it's very sturdy (we needed one that could hold over 300lbs) and it has a lot of programs including the ability to make custom programs.

    Yes, it can get boring, but to me all cardio is boring. I put on a TV show and have at it, 45 minutes goes by pretty fast if you are not watching the clock.
  • shaleigh07
    I bought this model in July of 2007. I used it everyday for a year and lost 40lbs through exercise alone. Went of my blood pressure pills. Then I went back to school and stopped doing it. Gained all the weight back. Back on medication (That's why i am here) I still havent' gotten into the groove of it again, but I am glad I have it. It still works great. My husband is a runner and uses it during bad weather. I have bought some workout DVD's to break it up some.


    Just a note - I am 5' 3" tall so this stride is fine for me but my husband is 5' 9" and he thinks it is too short of stride for him, so if you are tall, this one is not for you.

    Thanks for the link! I've definately been using it while trying to decide exactly what I want.
  • shaleigh07
    Thank you all for your advice! I had read so many bad reviews online, I was beginning to feel very discouraged that I wasn't going to find a decent machine that I liked and was in my budget. I'm going to take a look at Craigs List like some of you suggested - as well as those links! And hopefully find something that lasts and give me a great work out!

    Thanks again!