Are you a cheater?



  • wickedwendy6
    wickedwendy6 Posts: 117 Member
    If you have made a commitment to dieting you shouldnt cheat just like your commitment in a relationship is your relationship to food keep your commitment
    thats the thing though - i didnt make a commitment to dieting. i made a commitment to weigh less and be healthier and i can do that while still having a day or two with higher calories.

    ^^ Agree with this answer. And also - sorry, but I have to say cheating on your spouse is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to 'cheating' on your diet.
  • Chocol8teThunder
    Chocol8teThunder Posts: 124 Member

    I never have a cheat because I eat what I want when I want as long as it fits my macros.

    Take a look at the link above. It's helped me. I hope it works for you too.
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    1. What do you eat on on your cheat days?
    I typically go for a low calorie breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. Then for dinner, anything, as long as it fits into my macros.

    2. Calorie allowance for that day?

    3. what do your "good" 6 days consist of
    All good things. Lots of fruit, veggies, proteins, whole grains, etc.

    4. Do you exercise on this "cheat" day?
    YES. Gives me more wiggle room.

    5. Lets say you mess up on a "good day" do you still have a "cheat day"

    6. Do you have success with this?
    Very much so!

    7. Do you record your cheat day!?
    Yes, yes, YES.
  • ssami_89
    It is but when someone else posted that on here it got me thinking now I dont have cheat days or days I go over calories or anything. The statement I posted pushed me to be more strict on my calorie watching because i would just give up some days and stuff my face.... I agree it is completly different cheating on someone and cheating on a diet but it is both a commitment I commited to eating healthier and dropping weight so thats what im going to do, no cupcakes here I know what I want and im going to go for it :) maybe it helps maybe it doesnt but that statement helped me so I passed it along
  • bearii
    bearii Posts: 15 Member
    I don't cheat, meals or days. I think this is a very individualistic thing. Just reading through the replies you can see cheating works well for some. For me it would be a bad thing, a very bad thing. I'm kind of an all or nothing guy. I know myself well enough to know I have to stick to the plan or I could slide right off the cliff to disaster.

    What I think may be a key here is to have a plan. Just check out wickedwendy6's response - she has clear plan and sticks to it. She knows her limits and it is obviously working well for her.

    My plan is simple, I won't cheat, period. When I get tempted by things like a martini or a bag of chips I think back over all the times I've had those very things. Then I tell myself that the calories I'm burning right now are coming from that martini I had on that fun Friday night last fall or the bag of chips I munched with my brother around the campfire on our last camping trip. I'm just enjoying them a second time. Sounds silly I know but the plan works for me and keeps me from cheating. I'm just burning my previous "cheats" again and again! :wink: