Join my Insanity SUMMER FIT Challenge group!!

Insanity saved my life and I know it can save yours!!! Not only could you win the $100,000 grand prize but you could win the daily $500 or $1000 prizes! Just for getting fit which is what you already want to do!!!
60 days to change your life forever! Who doesn't have 60 days!!!

Looking at my “BEFORE” and “AFTER” photos makes me realize how far I’ve come. It revs me up
for more INSANITY® to see how far I can go. What motivates YOU to work out?

Someone’s got to WIN the $100,000 Grand Prize—why not YOU? If you’re ready to take the
Beachbody Challenge™, Message me to learn how to enroll!

Are you up for a fitness challenge? Then, try INSANITY®! I won’t lie, it’s not easy. But it can get you
in the best shape EVER in just 60 days! How?
INSANITY is extreme cardio training like you’ve probably never experienced before. Get ready to work out at
a level you never knew existed. I’m talking about running in place with high knees, moving side-to-side, adding
plyometrics…going at your MAX! You’ve got to power through these. And when you do, it can transform your
body. No joke!
I’ve seen the results: they’re dramatic! This thing really works! Now, I’m not saying it’s for everyone. But, if you’re
up for a challenge….You can see AMAZING results, fast.
Plus, when you order it from me, you’ll get a FREE bonus DVD—Fast and Furious. It’s an intense 20-minute
INSANITY workout that can give you results like you worked out much longer.
Think you can handle the 60-day INSANITY Challenge? Stop by my Web site at and follow the Challenge group banner. Or contact me directly and I’ll walk you through the process—plus answer
any questions you might have.