Excess skin

I was curious if any of you guys were experiencing a problem with excess skin as I am terrified that I might struggle. My only vice is that I am young and have about 70 lbs to lose but I wanted to hear some first hand experience.

Thanks guys



  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Drink LOTS of water! Helps with sikin elasticity!
  • lazygirllosesweight
    Personally, I think that due to your age and the amount of weight you have to lose that you'll be fine. You're young. Your skin is still pretty elastic. I think excess skin becomes a problem when you have a ton of weight to lose. Like me.

    Keep going. I think you'll be fine. :)
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    My wife has worked her butt off to lose weight and been quite successful through bariatric surgery, nutrition, and exercise. Unfortunately due to her age and the rapid pace at which it was lost, she has a lot of extra skin that won't ever go away on it's own. Our insurance company covered the surgery but refuses to cover the skin removal as "cosmetic". I'd like to see them go through all of that crap and not be able to enjoy the visable benefits of it! It is not just cosmetic, there is a real psychological side to such a barrier. After the last refusal from a surgery consult, I read the conditions under which they would approve the surgery and find it hard to believe anyone could get to those extremes before seeking help.

    What did they think was going to happen when the weight came off an over 40 woman?

    Unfortunately the cost is too much for us to pocket though I'd love to get her the procedure.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I had a plastic surgeon tell me that if you're under 25 when you have a baby, there is so much collegen in the skin that it pretty much goes back well. The further you get over 25, the less it wants to spring back. I had a baby in my early 30's and it all went back pretty well. I was in my late 30s for the second baby and have some wrinkly skin.

    Just start a piggy bank and make it know to all your friends and family. They will contribute.
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Just start a piggy bank and make it know to all your friends and family. They will contribute.

    $6,000 is a BIG piggybank!
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Well . . .

    If you save $12.50 a week for one year, that's $600 a year. $600 a year for five years is $3,000. So, you are half way there.

    If say 10 of your best friends and family members ditched their "not needed" holiday and birthday gifts.....to the bank (say $50 a piece on average for all yearly gifts), then that would be another $2,500.

    So, you are at $5,500!

    Shop around to the different plastic surgeons. You may find a better deal. Or, you may have to wait a year or so.
  • deeann1459
    deeann1459 Posts: 116
    Just start a piggy bank and make it know to all your friends and family. They will contribute.

    $6,000 is a BIG piggybank!

    True that... but as an eventual thing it would be pretty cool.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I'm 25 and have lost 75 pounds. I do have loose skin but only around the inner thigh area and it's really not noticeable unless you actually poke around down there. I've lost over ten inches around my waist and I've had (thank god) no problem with loose skin at all. Other then a few stretch marks here and there, you'd never know I was huge. It's really all about age, and how much weight you have to lose, really. I look at loose skin and stretch marks as battle scars. They prove I've won the battle over obesity and I wear them proudly.

  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Not to get off topic, but please make sure you find a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. I can't stress that enough. There are many doctors who's specialty might be ob/gyn and all they do is take a weekend seminar on plastic surgery and they can legally call them selves a plastic surgeon. This is major surgery with serious risks make sure to do you homework so you can have a safe procedure.