Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead



  • Loftearmen
    There is protein and calcium in veggies, especially when they are juiced because juicing uses high quantities, not that I know anything at all about this thread. I have a juicer in my pantry but I do t think it has been used for fifteen years.

    There is plenty of calcium in some veggies but there is not a significant amount of protein and the small amount of protein that is present does not have a complete amino acid profile needed to sustain muscle mass (not to mention life!) in humans
    Not true, a widely believed but long disproven myth.


    .....says the man to the BS of biochemistry lol CBS is hardly a reputable source of scientific information. (This is ultimately what is wrong with the fitness industry today. People believing things that they read from unreliable sources).The only thing I can think of that they could be referring to are complementary proteins; however, if you don't eat the veggies whose proteins complement one another you still will not get all of the essential amino acids. Meat, dairy and a select few others (soy, quinoa, and buckwheat) are the only protein sources which contain all 8 of the essential amino acids IN ONE FOOD ITEM. Also, even if you ate a metric butt-ton of fruits and veggies each day, you still wouldn't get the amount of protein necessary for tissue repair if you are exercising vigorously. Even if you were a sedentary individual the protein yield from the aforementioned diet is subpar.
  • Loftearmen
    Juicing is perfectly fine and it's not a true fast as you're eating vegetables much like a Vegan. If you feel you're not getting enough protein, you can always add in protein powder or whatever else you feel like you might be lacking. It's your blender, do what you want with it.

    Good point. It also seems like it would be better to eat the fruits and veggies than it would be to juice them since they have so much fiber.
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    1. No
    2. Weight loss is not the ultimate goal. health is. Or should be.
    3. People who don't eat alot of food usually lose weight.
    4. We have teeth for a reason.
    5. The digestive system will cleanse itself with real food and time between meals and/or fasting. There's no such thing as a cleanse.
    6. Take something from it and move on. It's a movie. Entertainment
    7. What will you learn or what skill or lifestyle change will you make by doing a week or two of something extreme? Nothing.
    8. Um yea, no.

    Thought-provoking and helpuf. Thanks!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I think juicing looks unhealthy when used for fasts or only source of calories.

    If you want fruits and veggies just eat them, you'll get all the benefits of them.

    It just seems that people who see great benefits from juicing fasts are people who normally don't eat lots of good veggies and fruits, go on this fast and see amazing results. When in reality if they just ate them they would have the same results.

    Just my opinion.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I saw that and it was kind of inspiring. I bought a juicer, and I haven't even tried it.

    I did the Master Cleanse a number of years ago - 10 days. It made my heartbeat feel irregular toward the end. I think I dropped 8 pounds in that 10 days, and it took me maybe a month to gain it back.
  • susannahsutton1
    Ashton Kutcher did this as preparation for his role as Steve Jobs in the biopic and ended up being hospitalised. Google it
  • Swany2
    Swany2 Posts: 37 Member
    Tried it, wouldn't do it again...worst weekend of my life, never felt so ill....headache like you wouldn't believe.

    I would much rather lose weight this way, slow and steady but healthy!!!!!
    THExNEKOxCHAN Posts: 134 Member
    I have teeth. Therefore, I chew.

    Juicing? I could never understand it. Sure, it's all right if you want something different every now and then, but every day? Would you sit down and eat two pounds of (insert fruit or veg of choice) in one go? No? Then why drink the juice of that same amount of fruit? You're losing the natural fiber of that fruit/veg by juicing it. It's not very balanced at all.

    I used to make smoothies, and instead of using juices, I used whole fruit/berries, whole carrots, baby spinach, yogurt, etc, whizzed it all up until as smooth as I could get it, and then drank that. I still got all the fiber of the fruit/veg, and the juice, and that was a whole meal for me.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    my husband and i have been juicing in addition to our daily meals. we juice about 5 times a week. we have felt more energized since starting. juicing enables you to get all the nutrients from fruits and veg without having to eat all of them. hubby and i juice like 5 servings of veg and fruit each in addition to the 2/3 servings we eat each day. it's a great supplement to a healthy diet.

    a lot of people will write juicing off as a fad because of 'fat, sick, and nearly dead'. that's complete crap. google jack lalane and you'll see people have been juicing for health since the 1930s, when jack opened up his first health club - complete with a juice bar. juicing is not a fad diet, although the idea of juice fasting is a more recent idea. i would not recommend fasting without a doctor's permission.

    the idea of juicing is that it is all the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that are in the fruit/veg. because the fiber is removed, all those nutrients get absorbed right into your body and your digestive system does not have to work to digest anything. that's why i think it makes sense to supplement a healthy diet with juicing, but i can't imagine just juicing for more than a couple of days. a lot of people talk about doing a juice fast as a cleanse or detox. this idea comes from the whole digestive system not working to digest thing - instead of your digestive tract working to digest all that food, it can clean itself out. i haven't found any proof of this.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Saw it and loved it. Unfortunately I can only do a juice fast in the summer when are garden is in full swing. But loved it... and Forks over Knives.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    He did it to "reset" his system and his palate. It was a short term fast not a way of consuming calories forever.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Your body doesn't need to be reset or detoxed. You don't put yourself on a breathing machine for 60 days to give your lungs a break, do you?

    I can't imagine how many pounds of vegetables and fruits I would have to juice to get the 120g of protein I need a day.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Just wanted to add I have juiced before and also did wonders for my skin and headaches.
  • willowdancer
    How many of you have seen the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat,_Sick_and_Nearly_Dead
    It is on netflix.

    The guy does a juice diet where he only eats fresh fruits and veggies for 60 days and he blends them in a juicer. He eats a LOT of veggies though...

    He loses weight so fast!

    I know that counting calories and losing it at a healthy rate is the best way but I was just wondering if anyone here has tried the juice/detox type diet like that? Would say 7 days of nothing but fruits and veggies be bad for ones metabolism? Not gonna lie the movie makes you wanna jump up and go buy a juicer and a bunch of veggies... :P

    Could it help through a plateau?

    Thoughts? Comments on the film?

    I have seen that film and I was immediately suspicious; I felt like the whole thing was a commercial to sell me something. I looked into it and the guy has invested a ton of money into the company that makes the juicer he is promoting in the video, so it isn't so much that he is promoting a healthy life style, he is promoting the juicer.

    My mother is currently juicing and luckily she took my advice and has only replaced one meal a day with juiced fruits and vegetables. The other meal she has a big, diverse salad, and for dinner she has her standard fare of meat and two vegetables. She is elderly so she isn't very active at this point in her journey, but so far she is down 7 pounds and has her blood sugar levels under control. Juicing, especially in the dead of winter, can be very expensive and I feel like it is a bit wasteful. All that filling fiber is going in either the garbage or the compost pile. I have a hard enough time keeping the families fiber content up high enough without tossing it out. There are days when we switch out juicing for just a protein shake made in the blender with some bananas and whatnot thrown in. Also, juicing can be messy. Like, seriously make you never want to do it again messy. All over the counter top and wall and bottom of the cupboards messy.

    Juicing can be the refreshing twist on a lifestyle that could be the catalyst to help you get through a plateau, but I don't think its right for everyone.

    Also, as a functioning human being, I have never had much patience for fasting of any kind. I get head aches and light headed and irritable, my productivity goes way down, and it just ends up not being worth the trouble. I can only see fasting and juicing like how they did in the film being practical if you are on a vacation and don't have to do anything but light exercise and juice. Thats just my opinion, though!
  • jackoninny
    jackoninny Posts: 39 Member
    Finally... I was waiting to see if anyone's scam detector was set off by this flick. There are a few juicing docs on netflix, and they all come off as expensive infomercials to me.
  • leafry62
    leafry62 Posts: 9 Member
    I watched it and decided to do a three day juice fast. At first I went to the organic shop to try a green juice and found I quite like it so brought a mascuating juicer which grinds the juice rather than ripping the guts out of it. Takes a bit longer to juice but you get more of the nutrients out of it. I did 3 weeks of research on juicers before buying one. I did the 3 day juice fast and found I loved it and now have a juice at the beginning of every day and it makes me feel good even if only mentally. My husband did a 10 juice fast and found it quite hard and was always hungry but he is a hard working man. He lost 6 kgs and didn't put any weight back on. he has gone back to normal eating now. I will continue to use juice in my daily diet for the health benefits. I think we all have to just do what works for ourselves.
  • cindygretz
    I was going to try a 14 day juice fast until I talked to a friend at work about it... she did a 30 day, lost 36 lbs, and over the next 90 days gained all of it plus some back on 1400 cals a day.

    Kinda defeats the purpose. No thanks.
  • justagirlgeek
    justagirlgeek Posts: 49 Member
    A good friend just did it for 10 days. He lost about 20lbs and he says he felt great.
    He's a runner and was able to train and run during the juice fast.

    To each their own. Some love it, some don't.

    I'd love to try it, but I can't afford it at the moment.
  • Kurls4Daze
    Kurls4Daze Posts: 125 Member
    I watched the documentary and yes its important to have medical supervision especially if your taking medication. I did this type of veggie and juice fast for 40 days and it was very beneficial to resetting my taste buds as well as eliminating tons of waste and toxins that our bodies tend to store. I would recommend it to everyone especially if you don't have a lot of fiber in your diet and your water intake is low.
  • Tash128
    Tash128 Posts: 66 Member
    Juice and veggie fasts are great! plus if your eating veggies too you would be fine! there are lots of people who only eat fruits and veggies and they are fine. I did a water fast for 28 days and I was perfectly fine, I didn't die, I lost weight around 34 pounds I think, I did gain some back but that is inevitable, I didn't gain it all back I think once I went back to eating I gained back around 6 pounds. I then got pregnant and gained weight but had I not gotten pregnant I would have kept it off. I didn't lose muscle and my body did not eat my internal organs lol oh and my metabolism is just fine! after I had my baby I lost all of my pregnancy weight in about 6 weeks and I didn't do anything special so my metabolism was fine.

    Doing fruit/veggie fasts are great because it gives your digestive system a break, It helps to flush toxins out of your body and it also totally changes your taste buds if done for long enough. after my fast I didn't eat anything fried processed or sugary for more then a year. I slowly started eating crap again but it was a conscious decision. I felt so good while I was doing it. The first three days were hard. I wasn't hungry at all after that. When my body was ready to start eating again I did it slow but I felt great! I had energy I wasn't tired or sluggish.

    If your interested in trying it do it, I mean you can always just do 7 days and see how you feel. Talk to a naturopath doctor, Thats who I talked to before doing my fast plus I did a lot of research. A lot of people don't think this is the way to go but for me at the time it was the right path for me. I'm thinking I may do another fast perhaps not as long but we will see. Good luck to you!