Thinking about joining weight watchers

I am having a hard time lately. I love MFP. I lost thirty pounds last year. Since October I have been struggling. I keep trying different things.. Clean eating, carb cycling, IF.
I lost direction. I feel I need to be accountable for my weight.
I am thinking Weight Watchers might be good for me right now. There is no sign up fee but it is fifteen dollars a week.
I have been obsessing about food a lot and this past month I put on about four pounds.
What are your thoughts about joining the program?


  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    From my experience I think WW is the same as mfp but I think mfp is better bc it's free.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I had a lot of success with weight watchers when I lost weight after I had my daughter. I lost down to just about the weight I am now and kind of just quit going (a lot of life stress). I maintained for about 4 years and ended up gaining about 15 lbs (out of 60) back so I started MFP. I think about doing WW again but my money situation is not great. If I get stuck on here or get in a better financial situation (or a combination of the two) I would do it again, for sure! Whatever works for you!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    From my experience I think WW is the same as mfp but I think mfp is better bc it's free.

  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    What are you going to do afterwards?

    If you want to pay someone to tell you what to eat I have a paypal account.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    WW doesn't teach you anything and is a waste of money when you can do exactly the same here for free.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Ww is different because you have to trust that so wine else knows what is best for you and you have no idea what your macros are. Recording protein, carbs, fats and calories puts you in the drivers seat where you have a clear picture what works and what doesn't work for you. Totally different and doing your own math is superior in my opinion.
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    You don't mention exercise. Have you tried switching that up?
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Would you just be doing WW online? How would this program make you any more accountable than mfp?
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    What are you going to do afterwards?

    If you want to pay someone to tell you what to eat I have a paypal account.

    ^ this.
  • AJinBirmingham
    Been there, done that . . . and was INCREDIBLY annoyed with myself when I doscovered myfitnesspal for FREEEEEEEEEEEE - and it works better.

    WW is great if you're severely obese and really have no idea how to change your eating habits - largely because fruit and (most) vegetables are "free" on the plan. If you're very big, you won't stay that way overeating plants, but if you're already a healthy weight or close and just looking to sharpen control of your eating habits, then they've little to offer and a lot to sell.
  • jktin08
    jktin08 Posts: 62 Member
    I agree with others. I am a firm believer in doing what works for you. Everyone is different and needs different things.Weightloss is a personal journey for sure.If you feel Weight Watchers may work and you can afford it, give it a go. In the past I lost a good amount of weight there, but I found it to be expensive and I am not a "meetings" (virtual or in person) type of person. Also, I am not a fan of weigh-ins.

    My twin sister is having moderate success currently with it. She says the new WW360 is GREAT!!

    Another one to consider is TOPS ( ). My grandma lost almost 60 lbs in 10 months there and it is practically free. It also has a LOT of support like Weight Watchers. I would have joined it too, but meetings are not my thing.

    What I found worked for me, so far, is consulting my doctor and a nutritionist/health coach for direction. We worked together, did some blood work and all the calculations I needed (BMR, Calories Needed, Carbs, etc.). We figured out that I needed to up the activity but not the intensity, lower the carbs-125 a day, up the water and up the protein. I have some big health issues and my medicines are a balance based on my weight so I need to lose slow and steady only. So far *knock on wood* it is working. I have lost 7lbs since January, some inches and a pants size so far. I seem to be losing inches quicker than pounds, but success is success right?

    Best wishes whatever you choose.
  • snowflakeheather
    snowflakeheather Posts: 37 Member
    One option.....if you want the accountability of attending weekly meetings and seeing others face-to-face rather than online, TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is an alternative to Weight Watchers, and it's about $30 per YEAR. You could use MFP to track your calories and attend weekly meetings without the excess cost.
  • caroldeanda
    caroldeanda Posts: 23 Member
    I had great success with weight watchers! For me the points where easier to count than calories and I also loved the meetings. It was great to be with other people who where on the same journey in person. I loved the weigh in's as they kept me accountable, I loved how it helped me set goals and I felt so proud when I earned the 10% key ring. It just depends on what is right for you, I would def. only do it i I went to the meeting in person though, the online would not be worth it in my opinion
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    You've been subsisting on fruit, yougurt & protein bars....have you thought about trying to eat some "real meals"? i.e. something that contains vegetables & meat? Is that the way you envision eating the rest of your life? It's little wonder that you've been obsessing over food. Start over again, eat well-balanced meals that you can maintain for the rest of your life.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    I follow WW ProPoints, I bought a starter pack from eBay for a tenner and the Value Diary from the App Store (iPhone) for £1.99, which calculates everything for you. Weighing in at my house is free. Simples.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    What are your thoughts about joining the program?

    From what I have heard from others, WW seems to be very similar to MFP. So, whatever 'problems' you have with this program are likely to manifest if or when you try WW.
    I think perhaps you should relax a little, adjust your attitude and throw your scales out the window.
    Continue to log your exercise and food, and let nature do the rest. Weight loss will happen as a happy bi-product of increased health and wellbeing. And you'll be a lot happier.
    kind regards,

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I see no point in starting WW when you are on here and essentially doing the same thing but for free. You will just be tracking points rather than calories.

    At least at MFP you can track other things to see what works for you. Here I learnt that protein and fats keep me fuller for much longer. Here I can see when I have a high sodium day so I don't get deflated when I step on the scale. Here I learnt that when I have a high carb meal, I tend to crash an hour or so later.

    MFP didn't just teach me what was low calorie, it taught me a better way of eating. It's far superior.
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    I started WW on Jan 7th and I'm down over 15 lbs. It's a great program, and it keeps you super accountable. I just found MFP a few days ago and I think I really enjoy the exercise mentality over here, but I like the accountability for yourself, your actions and your food you get from going to a WW meeting. I think it's worth it personally, but everyone has to make their own decisions. Try a month on the monthly pass and see how you do. If you don't like it, go back to mfp, but most people like it.
  • 3lisab3
    I am a lifetime member of WW. I started MFP on Feb 20, 2012. I have lost 68 lbs. In the beginning, I tracked both WW and MFP. I noticed 2 differences : First, the healthier you eat, the more you can eat on WW. That is because fruits and vegetables are free and food with lower fat content and higher fiver have lower points. On MFP these foods have calories and do not hold any special place on food intake scale. However, if you eat sweets and takeout foods, you can eat more on MFP because you are only counting calories.
    I have found that my current busy lifestyle does not allow me time to go to meetings. And I don't want to calculate points..its too much work (and there is not as much on line precalculated like MFP).
    MFP is much easierand allows you to find your specific pattern that works for you.
    I was stuck on a plateau since Oct 30. I would add and subtract the same 3-5 lbs every week. Finally, this week, i broke the plateau. One thing I noticed was that although I was within my Cal goals, I was not drinking my water. When I finally. Rome down and added the water..guess what? Off it came..
    both programs are good..use what you can ..however know this: the program that will work will be the one where you have the most support. A d $15 a week, although steep, is worth it if you get to goal because of the support. MFP will be less useful if you have no one close to you to support you
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Personally, I think WW is a big waste of money and you could probably devise your own plan very similar OR use MFP to calorie count instead and it's less hassle having to work out points for everything.

    However, if you feel that paying money for a diet will motivate you to stick to it then I completely understand that too and you should do whatever feels right for you to stick to your goals!