help me find work out I can actually do

I have been sedentery for 10 years and am not very motivated to exercise but I know it is necessary. I have arthritis, esp in both knees and one shoulder. I have attempted some isometrics but don't have enough information to do this with definite results and safety. Also have a stationary bike which I have attempted to use but about 2 min. on it results in 2 days of pain that prevents me from doing anything. I am open to any suggestions.


  • sabbrown40
    I would suggest a Leslie Sansone walk dvd. She has a variety of them on Amazon. Some are just around $10. I also saw this thing called a chair exerciser or something to that affect. It is actually a workout in a chair. You may have to google it to see the name though. Hope that helps some and I pray you get some relief.
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I have been sedentery for 10 years and am not very motivated to exercise but I know it is necessary. I have arthritis, esp in both knees and one shoulder. I have attempted some isometrics but don't have enough information to do this with definite results and safety. Also have a stationary bike which I have attempted to use but about 2 min. on it results in 2 days of pain that prevents me from doing anything. I am open to any suggestions.

    I have knee problems as well. I try to ride my stationary bike as much as I can but sometimes the pain gets to be too and I have to switch to what I call "my back up" exercise, which is the wii. The wii allows me to exercise sitting down if I need to. Sometimes I stand up for a while then sit if I can't stand it any longer. I can still do boxing, which gives a great upper body workout, as well as tennis & bowling. The 2 mentioned first are my main ones because of the amount of calories they burn. If you have a Craiglist where you live, you might be able to pick up a used one cheap. I don't know about where you live, but here we have an arthritis center that has a "chair exercise" class. You might want to do a google on chair exercises and see what comes up. You might need to invest in a set of hand weights. Hope this helps.

    Good luck!
  • dlc27573
    I know it is really hard to start exercising after being sedentary! And the negative effects (not being able to move without pain for two days) definitely make it worse. Isometrics have worked well for me in terms of strengthening my muscles, and losing weight makes it easier to move (not so much stress on the joints - this is my main reason for losing). I recommend finding something you love to do, and do it just a little at first. I started off with walking the dogs - they love it so much that it was really gratifying for me, even though I only went around the block for the first few weeks. Then I started walking at lunch, and have gradually increased the amount of time I walk every day.

    Swimming is also a great way to exercise without stressing the joints, if you can afford it!

    Good luck, and don't give up!
  • sungoddess337
    sungoddess337 Posts: 62 Member
    thanks everyone.. we don't have a y but will check local physical therapy places to see if they have something in the water exercise area I can use...I used to love to swim and dance so this sounds great. Play wii occasionally with kids...i believe i will be doing that on the days I can't ride. again, thanks...
  • fkwilhelm
    fkwilhelm Posts: 42 Member
    Would simple walking work? Such as: Do a few errands on foot? I do not know in what kind of environment you live, but if it is possible, it is quite effective.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Swimming and water aerobics.

    Hand weights for upper body.
  • pinkymac11
    I, too, have joint problems. I have had surgeries on both hands, shoulders, hips, one foot, & the knees are next. But, I want to lose about 50 lbs. before I get them done. I use a Gazelle at home, as there is not much knee action/stress, but it can get the heart rate up. I cannot do a stationery bike, either. But, I can do about 15 min. on the treadmill when I go to Planet Fitness. There I can get advice & go at my own pace on the machines as well.. Even if you can only do 2 minutes, that is a start. Over time, you will be able to increase your time. Are you on any med for the pain & discomfort?
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    Would simple walking work? Such as: Do a few errands on foot? I do not know in what kind of environment you live, but if it is possible, it is quite effective.

    this is exactly what I was thinking. Start walking a block a day, then two blocks etc. Start out slow. When you run errarnds, park farther away from the store and walk the parking lot. Set up challenges for yourself. I sometimes don't want to do things, but realize I need to in order to hit my challenge goal.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Aqua aerobics?

    If you don't have access to a gym check your local hospital it may have some low cost fitness classes.
  • sungoddess337
    sungoddess337 Posts: 62 Member
    good idea..I am used to doing what I want and when. I guess the biggest lesson I have to remember is to set smaller goals that are realistic but still challenge me. thank all for the ideas