Over 50 and need to get my sparkle back

Hi, I'm new to mtFitnesspal and new to trying to lose weight.
I'm soon to be 53 and extremely depressed by my weight and size! I would really appreciate some online support, help and tips to keep me motivated, I really need to make this work and get my smile back....
Di x


  • Hi
    I know exactly how you feel, a year ago I had know energy, clothes would not fit me, you get the picture. This site is my friend and I will never leave it. I have some remarkable friends on this site and I would be lost without them.
    Feel free to add me, I am on this site daily. :smile:
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi, you can add me I am on every day, 49 next month. I have bee working out/weightlifting for 32 years so I know what works and what does not not, be happy to help you out :flowerforyou:
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi,,,I know how you feel. Im really new at this. I have learned that if I read , I learn a whole lot from these people who have gone before me. Im not great at posting, myself...but...Im learning. Feel free to add me as friend,,,,the more the merrier. :) By the way...Welcome!!
  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    Im same age, same problem, feel free to add me, support helps!:happy:
  • alwalker01
    alwalker01 Posts: 7 Member
    I too will be 53 this year and also new to MFP I joined earleir last year but never used this site:smile: now I am ready.... I have lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks and I need help and support on tryingto lose at least 30 more. We need each other!!
  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Di, did you know 53 is the new 33? (as a 53yr old I believe it lol). There is lots of good advice/help on this site and (if you didn't already know) some not so helpful stuff - but all good fun.

    My goal was to lose 1 stone, almost accomplished but happy with the results so on a bit of a weight gain plan now :)
  • Many thanks for all the great messages of support :) I've had a great first day both food and exercise wise, spurred on by the onset of spring and longer daylight hours. Feeling positive for a change :)
  • ginijor
    ginijor Posts: 13 Member
    I know how you feel. I just turned 50 and decided it's now or never. Thankfully a friend introduced me to MFP and I haven't looked back. It helps to know that you are not alone! Good luck!
  • Happy to see this group! I joined MFP previously but am now serious about it and have posted for several days now. I appreciate the accountability while I work my way to at least 20 pounds. I've been on this journey now for the last 18 months. Making progress, too. No more high blood pressure or cholesterol medications! Hooray! Let's all do this together! What are some of your best tips and tricks so far?
  • I too am over 50, in fact, I am 60. I Have struggled with my weight my entire life. I thought I was so fat in my 20's and would kill to be that size now. But, I am determined to be slimmer, stronger and sexier! one lb at a time. Ultimately would like to lose 47lbs. I will start with 10 as my first goal. Let's try to motivate and encourage each other as much as we can. I know I will be successful! And so will you! Good luck to us!!!
  • Hiya! I'm WAY over 50 here - 63 - age is just numbers - its how you feel that counts and I've just lost about 20 years in the past year as well as losing some weight and gained loads of sparkle back too :happy:
    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi. I am not quite there yet, but getting closer (45). Add me if you wish. I sent a request. Anyone is free to add me.
  • Hi Di, did you know 53 is the new 33?

    Hey - that's my line! lol!