Maintenance Struggle

Has anyone else felt a struggle once they reach their goal weight? I worked really hard and was really dedicated to reach my goal. Once I got there I was really happy, and I upped my calorie allowance and kept at it. But as time has gone on, and my weight has more or less stabled out, my motivation has plummeted and bad habits are coming back. I have lost almost all motivation to exercise, and now I barely log my food, and then its a bit easier to give in to temptations (since I have nothing to be accountable to). And since my weight isn't moving much, I am not so hard on myself. But my fitness is decreasing, and I thought I would get to this place and be motivated to tone and get even healthier, and it would be easier since I could have a bit more leeway with my calories, and instead I find it even more of a struggle. Just wanted to know if anyone else had struggled, and if not how they motivated themselves?