extreme weight gain after pilates

Dear all,

I started pilates end of Dec and have been going to pilates class about 4-5x per week. I've been eating normally about 1200-1500cals/day and my weight starting was 110lbs with 5"3 height. However today I just weigh myself and found that I weigh 122lbs. Is this normal? I know pilates helps me to gain muscle I do feel stronger and my flesh (thighs arms tummy) are firmer. I do still have flabs on my tummy and thighs but even if I gained weight due to muscle mass I would expect no more than 5lbs. I've been eating healthy too (reduced fat reduced salt and reduced carbs).

I read somewhere that even though muscles are formed, it takes time for the fats on my flesh to shrink. Can anyone help answer me? Looking at my body i do feel im slightly more defined and a bit bulkier than before.

Thanks! Appreciate any kind of replies!


  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
  • You are just gaining muscle which means a more toned body. There is nothing wrong with that and you probably won't gain any more pounds.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't think it's ALL (or even mostly) muscle gain .... here's why

    It's tough to gain muscle when you are in a calorie deficit

    5 pounds would be a whole lot of muscle (for a woman ... maybe I assumed wrong)

    If you've lost a pound of fat (that's what diets are for .... right?) & gained a pound of muscle ..... you're back at the same weight you were before .... not higher

    Pilates is great for toning .... a stronger core helps you hold everything in .... the results are in inches lost...fairly quickly .... but muscle gain not so much .... or at least fairly slowly.

    My guess is that the weight gain is temporary .... water retention or time of the month maybe?
  • regina1974
    regina1974 Posts: 1 Member
    I have notice the same thing. I started pilates in Jan and as of today I have gained 5 pounds. All my outfits fit the same. I measured myself when I started and just the other day. Measurements on my thighs and hips went down, waistline the same. I do feel tighter through out my body. I really wanted to at least lose 5 pounds not gain.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Well, 5'3" and 110 is pretty much right at the bottom end of healthy weight so there's that element...

    Also, do you actually log everything or do you just guess that you're eating 1200 - 1500 calories? Generally speaking, people who eat that low of calories lose weight...they don't maintain or gain it...even short people. My wife is 5'2" and maintains on around 2300 calories per day...and she's oldish like me.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I'm a certified Pilates instructor and worked in a fully-equipped Pilates studio the whole time I was in college. Pilates doesn't progressively overload your muscles in the way that would be necessary for you to gain an appreciable amount of muscle, especially if you're just doing mat work. I think one of you gained 12 pounds and the other one gained 5, in 2-3 months? Given that you're women, it's muscle only if you're lifting like a beast, eating at a surplus and maybe getting some chemical help. You didn't gain 12 or 5 pounds of muscle eating at a deficit and doing Pilates. It just didn't happen.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm a certified Pilates instructor and worked in a fully-equipped Pilates studio the whole time I was in college. Pilates doesn't progressively overload your muscles in the way that would be necessary for you to gain an appreciable amount of muscle, especially if you're just doing mat work. I think one of you gained 12 pounds and the other one gained 5, in 2-3 months? Given that you're women, it's muscle only if you're lifting like a beast, eating at a surplus and maybe getting some chemical help. You didn't gain 12 or 5 pounds of muscle eating at a deficit and doing Pilates. It just didn't happen.

    ^^^THIS. What's with all the dodgy advice on this thread?