Not sure what's happening BUT>>>

kelli_panzera Posts: 171
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Well, I had quite a big loss, and have been at the dreaded plateau for about three weeks. I am diabetic, and one of those people who are always hungry, LOL. But this is a little different. Although i'm not loving the way I look, I am loving the fact that I am more fit now than I have ever been. I love the fact that I work out almost every day, where as before I dreaded 30 minutes 3 times a week, I LOVE WORKING OUT, for about an hour 6 days a week. (unless i'm sick, and that happens every couple of weeks)
I tend to eat the same foods because I like them, and I am a little OCD...the same breakfast and lunch every single day is absolutely fine with me. I am trying hard to stay within my alloted calories plus exercise calories because, again, I am a hungry girl! The majority of the time my workouts keep me between 65 and 75% of my max heart rate, the minority of the time I just go all out crazy and my heart rate is around 165-175 for at least 50 minutes. So while I don't exactly have a "problem" with my situation, I would like to get back on track with the weight loss...there has been no loss of inches either. I feel good, I feel strong, I just feel like i'm missing something...any opinions? Love to all and HAPPY EASTER!!


  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    I would advice upping your calorie intake for a few days and mixing up your work out....your body is far too used to the routine and once you do this for say 4-5 days I am pretty sure it will kick start your weight loss....However, I understand that it is difficult to change routine especially if your a little OCD but you need to just go with it.

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Oh Kelli, I'm so sorry to hear about your frustrations. I understand completely. It sounds like you're doing everything you should be doing. The only thing I can think of is that maybe your body needs a little variety. I know that can be very hard especially for someone who has done such a good job staying on track, and I'm sure your OCD has done you well so far. But maybe you need to shake things up a bit and shock your system. The trainer I work with changes my exercise routine every 4 weeks so that my body doesn't get used to any of the exercises and they encourage me to have a wide variety of foods in my diet. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend as well!
  • i'll try anything....sigh. It's funny how I seem to be doing what i THINK is right...then i'm afraid to try something different. I'm going out for dinner with friends tonight, so i'll make it a good one! Note- I never go out to eat with friends, so this is new for me too :laugh:
  • Man, no takers huh? :ohwell:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    It's a holiday weekend, so posting may be slow this weekend. I agree with the previous poster who said to switch things up. I've been at the same weight for about 3 months and it's really frustrating, but I've also been eating pretty much the same thing all the time, so I'm going to try switching up my calories, and adding in another 10 minutes of cardio per day and see if that helps.

    In the meantime, enjoy feeling strong and healthy. That's what I'm trying to do. Good luck with your journey!!!
  • lizbeth787
    lizbeth787 Posts: 101 Member
    I think your body needs you to mix it up a little bit - I took a look at your diary (hope you don't mind) and I noticed you usually stick to the typical 3 meals a day with t he occasional snack plan. You might want to split up your meals a little more. I tend to eat almost every three hours, incorporating a lot of good fat and protein in each snack (ie: almonds & apple, raisins w peanut butter, veggies and hummus) - I am ALWAYS hungry and ALWAYS eating. I think my metabolism keeps going because I eat so frequently.

    Another thing I noticed - you don't have sugar as one of your columns in your diary, but looking at the foods, you probably have a lot of refined sugars - vanilla flavoring in soy milk, flavoring in your yogurt, 100 calorie packs. All of those things are so great when you start out, but it seems like you've got a hold of things now! Take a chance and see if you can challenge your body a little more and see what happens!

    Some suggestions:

    Instead of your fiber cereal in the morning, why not try some oatmeal? It is also high in fiber.
    Instead of your yogurt, maybe try greek yogurt - the unflavored has almost no sugar and is super high in protein
    Eat some different fruit for your sugar fixes
    Try eating every couple of hours to spread out your calories throughout the day.

    I, of course, am no expert so if anyone else has any other opinions or suggestions bring them on!

    I hope this helps!
  • sheltieroger
    sheltieroger Posts: 264 Member
    I took a peek at your diary....are you tracking your sodium somewhere else? You may be over and retaining a lot of fluid that way. Also, for ME, I eat way more veggies with meals which is good at filling me up when I am feeling extra munchie.

    I also like eating the same breakfast...makes me want to binge less!!

    good luck and congrats so far
  • smilogirl
    smilogirl Posts: 30 Member
    Hi :>)

    I'm going to say pretty much the same as others, that you should change up your exercise a little. Definitely increase your intensity, rev up your speed, your weights or whatever you are doing. I usually add some bursts of intense versions of the exercises I'm doing "regularly" to change them up and put a little more challange to my workout. Your body requires constant challange to keep shedding those pounds as it begins to be toned and fit.
    I also agree that you might need to keep track of your sodium. I see that you track cholesterol and seem to have a handle on it... so sodium would be a good thing to replace it with. After looking at your diary, I can see things that would cause me to gain weight from the sodium. For instance.. anytime I eat mexican foods I gain 5 lbs. When ever I go to Olive Garden, I gain 5 lbs. It usually takes me the entire week to see that extra 5 lbs go away.. and if I am really good, my scale will reflect that in loss more than 5 lbs.
    If you have room, you might track your sugar too. There might be a lot of hidden sugars in your foods that you don't realize.

    Good luck!! Keep up the good work!
  • Thanks for all the advice. I don't track sodium at all. Because of my diabetes I am fairly careful with sugars, and my cholesterol is finally at a normal level so i'm thankful for that!! I had knee surgery a couple of years ago, and about a week and a half ago I realized I just couldn't jog anymore. I do weight training 2-3 days a week before my workout...and really because of my age I need to keep my workouts at about an hour...seems like I am spending an awful lot of time there! I do mix it up...between the bike, elliptical, elliptical trainer, and treadmill. I push myself and work hard :ohwell:

    The one thing that will change this week is that i've upped my calories. I'm going to see if that plays any part in it. If not, i'll give it a fair 2 week run and try again, LOL!!
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