Just Hit the 40's and waistline following suit!

Recently reached a milestone and decided enough was enough :happy:


  • samcat2000
    samcat2000 Posts: 106 Member
    I know exactly how you feel...I'm getting ready to hit that same milestone in June and had the epiphany in in Jan! Good luck!

    Hang with MFP! I swear it works if you can become a little obsessive about really thinking about what you're eating, planning your foods, and of course entering it ALL on MFP. I've been doing what MFP has told me to do (almost) to the T for the past 3 1/2 weeks, and have lost 7 lbs since Jan. 20. My goal was to lose 1 lb. a week for 18 weeks, but following MFP which includes exercise to keep me at or slightly under my goal cal consumption, I've lost a little more than 1 lb./week so maybe this thing isn't that accurate in that I could've been eating slightly more calories/day. I have gone over on the calories intake about 4-5 days but try to make up for it exercising over the next day or two after the overeating. I enter EVERYTHING I CONSUME and sometimes have to guess a little and always overestimate rather than underestimate. I also have only eaten out 3x in 3 weeks which is a bigtime record for me. I found I just couldn't really track what I was eating while eating out especially if it wasn't at a chain place that MFP has in the database.

    One last thing, I've really only been focused on cardio exercise rather than weight training. I am going to start the weight training in a couple of weeks. I think I would've probably bonked at least on several of the days under my current calorie goal recommended by MFP, but who knows. I will cross that bridge in a couple of weeks.
  • samcat2000
    samcat2000 Posts: 106 Member
    P.S. tracking calories and all that every day is totally new territory for me...never done it in my life, but MFP makes it so easy. If I can do it anyone can!!!!!