Any female mountain bikers out there...?

cheakygirl Posts: 1 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, I'm 2 weeks new to MFP and love it. I was wondering though, I just started mountain biking, around 3 weeks ago and love that too, but I burn alot of calories...Do I have to eat that much to lose wait. Last week I lost 4 pounds but I'm sure that was just water!!! Today I was out for 3 hours and burned 1400 calories. How do I eat that much as well as my allotted calories?? And to top it of...I don't feel hungry, just tired.(LOL) Is there anyone out their that mountain bikes that can help?


  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I am a mountain biker. Based on my experience, it's hard to make up that many calories with "good" foods. The best approach, though, is to eat well not just after the ride, but before the ride. If you know you will be hitting the trails later in the day, have a larger than usual breakfast. Plan to refuel some on your ride (gel-pack type stuff). And nothing hits the spot for me more than a pb-n-honey sandwich and a chocolate milk after a ride. Then have a healthy dinner. Especially with this weather, great time to throw some chicken breasts and veggies on the grill.

    The best thing, though, is to listen to your body and determine if you've eaten enough.
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