Girl Scout Cookies



  • Tina0926
    I just posted this on my new feed! LOL...I'm a sucker for the's like 140 or so for two...I've let it be that here and there.: ) but i still want them outta my house!! LOL
  • jamaicanmircrzy
    jamaicanmircrzy Posts: 27 Member
    Thin Mints frozen are my kryptonite. Dear lord I could eat a whole box! None for me this year!
  • bevjo0412
    bevjo0412 Posts: 16 Member
    I caved in and bought a box of Thin mints yesterday. I am testing my will power. Its working. I havent opened them yet. I think I'll give them to the grandkids.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that MFP has been the AA of Girl Scout cookies the last few days? Mmmm... Samoas and Thin mints. Hello, my name is Trina and I am a cookieholic. Nom.

    Sorry, wish I could help you. I would eat ALL the cookies.
  • neniplatas
    neniplatas Posts: 25 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that MFP has been the AA of Girl Scout cookies the last few days? Mmmm... Samoas and Thin mints. Hello, my name is Trina and I am a cookieholic. Nom.

    Sorry, wish I could help you. I would eat ALL the cookies.

    Ha! So true! My youngest is a Girl Scout so I can't keep them out of the house. First week I went through 2 boxes of the Savannah Smiles (the lemon ones covered in powdered sugar--yum!) The second box was eaten in one sitting while watching TV. If there's any upside to that little binge is that I did end up with an upset stomach for the next 2 days so now the cravings have died down a bit.
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member
    I had girl scout cookies for the first time a couple of weeks ago. the peanut butter ones,
    that taste like reese's peanut butter cups, only with a cookie bottom.


    I swear. I've never tasted anything that good before in my entire life.

    And today I ran past those little girls selling them just before I hit mile nine.
    If I had had money with me, I would've stopped to buy some. LOL.
  • jjlibunao
    My favorites are the Samoas and I can't stand coconut, but I love the coconut on those Somoas!
  • skrafcky
    My husband is evil, i wanted to start dieting so what does he do bring home 6 box of cookies..
  • marcuscross104
    marcuscross104 Posts: 57 Member
    don't let those cookies hurt you.
  • Tarek307
    Just eat the entire box FROZEN- this way you will be done with them & move on! i'm serious!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    LOL! I had 126 boxes in my house a couple days ago... now it is down some because my daughter has made some deliveries... but still... Way too many cookies are still here that have not been spoken for. LOL.

    I've nicknamed Samoas "cookie crack" because all you have to do is open the box and inhale... and all of a sudden the are all gone! :laugh:

    Well, that, and the first year my daughter was a GS, we did a "samoa" exchange through the fence at the B-ball court.. That was the most awesome "drug" deal ever.