bad holidays really bad ...

jenee06 Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
hello there,
ok here I am back from 1 week of vacation and about 30kg heavier!!!!!!! in reality its maybe 5kg! I actually don’t know- I don’t weigh myself - it's just toooo depressing.
I am freaking out here! ok I definitely get a medal for being the most undisciplined person ever!

I don’t know what’s wrong with me- one day I am absolutely sure I can win this f***ing battle against my weight and the other I just completely seem to lose it all. I eat whatever whenever and don’t care! how can I not care - it’s my body and my absolute and only dream to be finally the person I want to be for soooooooo long. I am sooooo tired of this.

I really could use some motivation here.
hope u guys do better than me :)
bisou jenee

--> sry had some technical difficulties


  • StephenD
    StephenD Posts: 3

    OK, here's the deal: some days you'll be strong and others you'll be weak. The key is this: what's in the past is gone, you can't change it and you can't do anything about it. If you're committed to your plan you will succeeed, even if you fall down along the way. There's really nothing wrong with you, its something we all face as we discipline ourselves to get where we want to be. You can achieve the body you want if you keep trying and don't give up!

    That being said, here's my suggestion-

    I just came off a road trip where I didn't watch my diet either. After surveying the damage done by restaurant food and beer I feel throughly disgusted with myself. Here's the plan- try to minimize the damage done and get back on track. Don't do anything wacky like fasting for a week to try to fix it (that will only cause a greater problem!). Maybe switch to the lowest fat healthy foods you can get your hands on, lots of fiber, whole grains, beans, fresh fruits and veggies, but don't stop eating! You can get back on track!

    Decide, committ, and you WILL Succeed!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    unfortunately real motivation comes from within. you have to get "grit your teeth & do it determination". just wanting it, knowing you should, or wishing it was easier won't do it.

    have you to reach the point that you can honestly say- that will not taste as good as thin will feel, and walk away. not say -ok, i'll only have some. & then be unhappy that you went 500 calories over for the day.

    seriously, i have made it through several holidays, parties, potluck dinners, etc. i was out with friends last night (late evening). they all had alcohol & fried foods & meals & desserts. (and passed things around to share). i had a green salad with lemon juice & black coffee, no tastes of all the fried, cheesy, chocolate & caramel things passed by me.

    dreaming is great, but make a plan. & get tough with yourself. drink more water. & meanwhile, don't beat yourself up. you had a great vacation. time to get serious & exercise some of the extra back off again. this is forever, we have got to learn as we go how to balance vacations, holidays, & other temptations, so we can stay in control with our maintenance weight. (because we never want to have to do this whole thing again). good luck- katie
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