Major binge weekend :/

Ive been doing really well and although I pretty much eat what I like I try to stay in my calorie quota most days. I am nearly at my ideal waist measurments! However, this weekend Ive been out for 3 meals and really binged probably eating like twice a womans usual allowance today!

I am off on an ultimate holiday of a lifetime in 3 weeks which has been my main motivation for losing weight but now im worried it will take me weeks to counter balance this weekend of binging and that I wont be ready for my holiday!! I feel so stupid and guilty doing this so close to my holiday!


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I think most of us have done this at some time and that's when the "What the heck" attitude rears its ugly head. Go back to your normal healthy eating and anything gained usually comes off a bit faster than it usually does. It doesn't make you a "bad person", just human! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Just remember that it takes 3,500 surplus calories to make a pound of fat. Unless you're a serious binge eater, it's doubtful that you can do much damage in a weekend. You might not want to weigh yourself for a few days until the food has worked its way through your system. If you weight yourself right away it can seem like you've gained several pounds but that's just the food waste and maybe water retention if it was salty.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Just remember that it takes 3,500 surplus calories to make a pound of fat. Unless you're a serious binge eater, it's doubtful that you can do much damage in a weekend. You might not want to weigh yourself for a few days until the food has worked its way through your system. If you weight yourself right away it can seem like you've gained several pounds but that's just the food waste and maybe water retention if it was salty.

    this was very informative. usually i'd say ^this, but honestly I didn't know most of that, but just suspected you couldn't possibly have actually "binged" in the true sense of the word based on your post and enough to really derail your efforts.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    My sister came over yesterday to try out some potential wedding hairdos on me, and we ordered stuffed crust pizza and stuffed pizza rolls from Pizza Hut. We ate the entire pizza and all but one roll. Today, I am watching my calories and everything else as usual, and things should be back to normal in a couple of days. Everyone has these days (or whole weekends, even!), but the important thing is that you're not doing it every day forever. You'll correct, and your body will follow, and in a few days, weeks, months, you'll binge again. It happens. And you'll get back on track right after.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    I've been pretty much the same this weekend what with Valentine's Day and my mum's birthday today. I've had three meals this week which I wouldn't usually have and I was actually panicking about gaining until I just read the above comments! Thank you for the reassurance ladies, I feel much better now as I'm pretty sure I definitely haven't over eaten by 3,500 cals this week at all :)

    Tomorrow is a new day and like has already been said above.....don't get on the scales tomorrow. You'll just feel bad if you have gained due to this weekend's food still lingering. Give it a few days and carry on as you were and you'll be ready for that holiday in 3 weeks :)
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    You can either view it as a binge day, or view it as you just flooded your system with nutrients. Now go convert those nutrients into muscle.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Log it--it might not be as bad as you think. And even if it is, I agree that there's not a ton of damage you can do in a single weekend. It might be a sign that you need to up your daily calories, though, especially since you're near your goal weight.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I find that a binge usually sets me back a couple of days. In the long run I don't think that it matters as long as you don't binge very often.

    So you are basically just adding two days to the time it will take you to reach your goal weight every time you have a binge day.

    I am sure that this is different for every one.
  • It's OK! Its not one binge weekend that made you get to your highest weight is it? Obese people didn't get that way because of one binge weekend? Once you hit a wall get over it and become stronger. It's fine because if you're doing the right thing 80 % of the time the 20% doesn't matter :laugh:
  • Increase your workouts, drink a lot and stay positive.

    I agree with majope, try and log your food intake: I've done it this weekend and it wasn't as bad as I thought.

    Anyway, don't weigh yourself (at least until friday) and start again tomorrow, stay strong and this weekend won't affect your vacation goal, don't worry!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Why would it take weeks to undo something you did over 2 days? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. One bad meal doesn't set you back weeks, it sets you back one meal. Since you're already eating in a deficit, the appropriate response is to keep on keeping on, because there's nothing to see here.