Chalean Extreme



  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I LOVED Chalean Xtreme!! I just ordered Turbo Fire and on April 1st I am going into a challenge group and am going to do a CLX/TF hybrid, the best of both. I don't think I want to get rid of the lifting because I love it. I love Chalene Johnson and find her fun and motivational and encouraging.

    I agree with the above poster, I would just start the Lean phase again after you've been sick and just push through it, you will be great.
  • Charbyte
    Charbyte Posts: 18 Member
    Ordered ChaLean Extreme yesterday... Plan on incorporating my Turbo in there. psyched baby!
  • J_sparkle
    J_sparkle Posts: 19 Member
    I started the Third phase: Lean this week. Very intense and it's great but I am DEF. needing my rest/recovery day. And didn't take it the previous months.

    I use: Stairmaster TwistLock:

    They were pretty expensive but I'm very short and these start at a small length and get bigger the more weight you add on. That's the main reason I didn't get other weights (the length would just be too big for me if all I needed was say 5#). Super easy and fast to adjust weight. Each dumbell is 5-50 lbs. I'm using up to 30 (usually w/ the lower body/squats).

    I've really enjoyed this workout. I appreciate her peppiness (it's not for everyone) and think this has been just the challenge I needed/wanted. I'm doing p90X next (possibly w/ LesMills Combat for cardio days---IF I can handle it).

  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Ordered ChaLean Extreme yesterday... Plan on incorporating my Turbo in there. psyched baby!

    Starting out with a hybrid your first time through is not a good idea because a big part of going through the program comes from not just going through the motions but in actually learning. One of your goals should be to one day get to the point where you can start putting your own programs together from scratch and building up a knowledgebase of how all this stuff works. The truth is the CLX/TF hybrid is no more effective than CLX alone. The sole reason people do the program is because many people don't feel like they are working as hard as they should be when they have only 2 days a week of lighter intensity cardio, which is what CLX subscribes. But the truth is that when supplementing a weight training regimen, that's what works best.
  • sabineliebling
    Ordered ChaLean Extreme yesterday... Plan on incorporating my Turbo in there. psyched baby!

    Starting out with a hybrid your first time through is not a good idea because a big part of going through the program comes from not just going through the motions but in actually learning. One of your goals should be to one day get to the point where you can start putting your own programs together from scratch and building up a knowledgebase of how all this stuff works. The truth is the CLX/TF hybrid is no more effective than CLX alone. The sole reason people do the program is because many people don't feel like they are working as hard as they should be when they have only 2 days a week of lighter intensity cardio, which is what CLX subscribes. But the truth is that when supplementing a weight training regimen, that's what works best.

    There actually is a trainer-recommended schedule for the CLX/TF hybrid. It was put together by Chalene (or whoever makes this stuff with her and beachbody's brand name on them). Maybe some people just get bored? I am doing Turbo Fire on my own right now, not following a specific schedule because I got bored after 1 time through. It's still working for me. Maybe your goal is to be able to put together your own program, but I've never really subscribed to "shoulds" from other people. You do your thing, and set your own goals, and let others do likewise.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Ordered ChaLean Extreme yesterday... Plan on incorporating my Turbo in there. psyched baby!

    Starting out with a hybrid your first time through is not a good idea because a big part of going through the program comes from not just going through the motions but in actually learning. One of your goals should be to one day get to the point where you can start putting your own programs together from scratch and building up a knowledgebase of how all this stuff works. The truth is the CLX/TF hybrid is no more effective than CLX alone. The sole reason people do the program is because many people don't feel like they are working as hard as they should be when they have only 2 days a week of lighter intensity cardio, which is what CLX subscribes. But the truth is that when supplementing a weight training regimen, that's what works best.

    There actually is a trainer-recommended schedule for the CLX/TF hybrid. It was put together by Chalene (or whoever makes this stuff with her and beachbody's brand name on them). Maybe some people just get bored? I am doing Turbo Fire on my own right now, not following a specific schedule because I got bored after 1 time through. It's still working for me. Maybe your goal is to be able to put together your own program, but I've never really subscribed to "shoulds" from other people. You do your thing, and set your own goals, and let others do likewise.

    What I meant was this: Getting fit should come with learning about getting fit. Everything you do, everything you've ever done, and everything you ever will do should have a degree of learning associated with going about it correctly. And if you feel otherwise, if you feel like "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO LEARN WHAT THE NUMBERS MEAN, I JUST WANT TO GET MY FITNESS ON." Then frankly you don't deserve it. Educate yourself. Educate yourself about everything you endeavor to do in life. Your drive to learn, to better yourself not only with your body, but in knowledge, is what determines whether or not you're just taking up space. So yeah, I do feel you should have to learn about the how and why behind what you do every time you push play. Everyone should have to learn about everything they do. You have a brain. Use it. Better it.