Does anyone else have Reynolds Phenomenon?



  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I have it!

    I had to get boot heaters for when I downhill ski and I still get cold. I have a hard time walking/running in the winter. I get it in my toes and fingers.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I don't know if I have it but I am suffering from chills that come from the inside and very cold hands, nose and feet.
    Especially nose and fingers. I cannot take things out of the freezer without pain and cannot tolerate the cold without gloves on.
    The pain can be excruciating!
    I don't have fingers that turn blue though.
    I also have fibromyalgia and just figured it was part of that.
    DR's don't always listen to your complaints if you have fibro or don't fit the textbook definition.
    They said since my fingers don't turn blue I don't have it.
    Anyway, cold really really hurts!

    It's significantly more common in people with fibromyalgia, actually, and your fingers don't have to turn blue to be effected. Sometimes mine are blue, but sometimes they're just pale when it's going on. When mine was diagnosed, my fingers were only pale, but my blood oxygen reading on an effected finger was 47%.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I suffer from it and find every winter gets a little bit worse (I'm 52). Mostly in my fingers/hands but my feet also suffer.
    Can even get really cold hands in an office environment now - sometimes just one hand which is really weird.

    Went to the Doctor last winter as I was finding motorcycling almost impossible - heated handlebar grips, inner gloves, winter gloves and handlebar muffs still not keep my hands functioning. Her advice was "try to keep your hands warm".
    Which really wasn't much help!

    When using a desktop computer, in a reasonably warm room, I notice it effecting my mouse hand. Circulation in general suffers with age (not calling 52 old), but a little cardio would help to counter that.

    Take my word for it - 52 is old :wink:
    I do a ton of cardio (training for a 100 mile cycle ride at the moment) and it has no impact on how my hands react to the cold. Did a 25 mile ride yesterday in 8C temperatures and my feet and hands were like ice and very painful.
    Reynaulds isn't really poor circulation - it is an inappropriate physiological reaction to mild cold stimulus.

    I know it isn't the same thing as poor circulation, but poor circulation would contribute to it, as it would cause colder extremities, thus triggering the Reynaud's.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I was diagnosed when we moved from Florida to Massachusetts when I was in my early teens. The doctor at the time, other than telling my mother to take me back to Florida, said that I needed to wear gloves and mittens when I was outside in the cold weather, wear heavy socks during the winter and every day I had to soak my hands and feet in hot water.
    As I got older (and gained weight) I didn't have that much of a problem with my hands but they do get cold easily. My feet stayed just as bad as they were, until I tore the flexor hallicus tendon in my right ankle, now when my feet get cold, my right foot will turn in at the ankle, the outside edge of my foot tilts up and my big toe arches back then everything locks up (agonizing pain and it takes a while to get it to release. Dr says that the tendon injury is affected by the reynauds (most likely because it's not just my toes affected by the reynauds, it's the whole foot for me) and it contracts when it's cold.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I only started suffering a few years after I turned 30. Mostly middle finger but outer fingers too. Used to have big problems with my toes but not since college years. Takes about an hour to get my fingers back, but being prepared and not letting them get cold in the first place helps

    I'm told avoiding caffeine helps. I have pretty bony fingers so there's not a lot of space for the blood vessels. It's no big deal, just annoying mostly.

    Oddly, despite regularly diving in coldish waters (between 8-17 degrees C /46-62 degrees F) I don't seem to ever suffer under water. I can only assume pressure at depth plays a part.

    When I hike even in really cold weather, mine don't hurt either. I know hormones play a big part in RP, so my conclusion is, when I'm hiking I'm completely happy and at peace, so less hormones for RP...idk lol
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I don't know if I have it but I am suffering from chills that come from the inside and very cold hands, nose and feet.
    Especially nose and fingers. I cannot take things out of the freezer without pain and cannot tolerate the cold without gloves on.
    The pain can be excruciating!
    I don't have fingers that turn blue though.
    I also have fibromyalgia and just figured it was part of that.
    DR's don't always listen to your complaints if you have fibro or don't fit the textbook definition.
    They said since my fingers don't turn blue I don't have it.
    Anyway, cold really really hurts!

    My fingers turn blue but its very very faint. I wouldn't notice it if I didn't know it was there. Its my finger nails that really turn blue and most of the time they are painted.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I never knew this existed. However, when my hands or feet get cold enough, they get numb and burn. The last time I was in MA with my boyfriend, we were playing in the snow, and I had to go inside because my hands felt like they were going to break off. I had gloves on. He told me, "Your hands shouldn't feel like that....that's not normal." But I just thought that's what happens when body parts get cold!

    Maybe I have this! My lips turn purple easily.
