Feeling absolutely defeated.

I've lost every ounce of willpower I had. When I first started I lost about 25 pounds or so and I felt awesome.

It's been MONTHS since I lost anything. I gained around 5 pounds over the holidays.. and I feel like I can't get on track. I don't know how to make myself exercise and eat less. I ALWAYS start out the day on a great note. I eat pretty good all day long and then for whatever reason in the evenings I go insane and I eat too much.

I'm not sure what to do anymore and I guess I'm just looking for some advice on how to beat the evening snack binge. I feel disgusting every day and I can't stop thinking about how gross I am - so I'm not sure why I continue to do it. :(


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you eating enough throughout the day? You haven't been logging consistently, but hunger is a common trigger.

    Are you getting a good balance of nutrients? Nutrient imbalance is another trigger.

    As for the exercise, Nike said it best: just do it. It can help to find something fun.
  • queezle_sister
    queezle_sister Posts: 33 Member
    I know that for me, stress triggers eating. That and boredom. What if you didn't stay home in the evening, and instead developed a new routine? Perhaps a trip to the library or meeting friends for bowling would get you out of reach of the snacks at home. I also find that by not stocking snack food at home, I tend to eat more healthful snacks.
  • alexandraaah
    alexandraaah Posts: 29 Member
    Don't give up! It sounds like you've been doing amazing, especially before the Holidays. I struggle with evening snacking too, especially if i find myself twiddling my thumbs. What helps me is that I've set reminders on my phone to go off at various times during the evening, e.g 8 pm 10 pm etc. I title mine "Skinny in Sorrento" to remind myself what I am trying to aim for. So far its stopped me from eating in the evenings.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    Oh honey. I get that way ALL. THE. TIME. Especially tonight when I ate 2 brownies. TWO. Did I need 2? Nope. But I ate them and now I'm doing the "No wonder why you can't drop this weight" talk with myself.

    All that does is demotivate me more.

    What I can tell you is that this is not going to be an easy journey. You're going to fall. And fall. And then fall again, but if you keep getting back up and trying - then you can never fail. You can fall. Not fail.

    So tomorrow, I'm going to get back on track, again, and start over.

    You can totally do this. Remember that you are an amazing individual who just fell. No big deal!

  • bpn80
    bpn80 Posts: 43
    Are you eating enough of the right things during the day? Complex carbs, fiber, and protein? If not, of course you're hungry at the end of the day!
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    looked at your diary looks like you stay under calories. Try to eat filling food during the day, protein, a good fat, complex carb. Then after dinner allow yourself a "treat" some dark choc, fiber one bar something resonable maybe with a cup of tea. Try to get a healthier ritual going. We may not change our feelings, but we CAN change our minds and our behavior. Good Luck!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Try going to sleep. A lot of time we'll snack unconsciously late at night because our bodies are trying to gain energy through food when what it really needs is rest.
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks everyone <3

    I think I need to take a long hard look at my routine, and what I'm eating throughout the day.

    I'm sure it'll eventually be worked out, but it is so demotivating sometimes.

    Thanks for your advice and kind words.