Starting TurboFire on 3/4, Want accountability partners!!!

Hey, I am starting TurboFire soon and would love to be able to hold other people accountable as well as have some support!!!!!

I will finish p90x this coming Saturday and take a rest week and then it's game on!! Who's with me!!?? I really want a team of friends to do it with me!!

I started p90x at 275 and am currently at like 237 or something. So, I'm looking to be under 200 by the end of TurboFire. Whoo hooo!! Let me know if you wanna do it with me!!


  • Yes, I want to start turbofire soon too! I am also looking for accountability partners. I think I am going to start next week!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I just got the notice that mine has shipped, so i'll start it just as soon as I receive it! I'm in. Have either of you ladies done it before?? I haven't, it looks intense, but fun, and I think that will really help us stick to it.
  • neekos
    neekos Posts: 14
    Mine is on its way, too! I'll be starting as soon as I get it for extra cardio with JMBR
  • AshyyMM
    AshyyMM Posts: 131
    I'm starting the 5 day inferno tomorrow... and then.. I will be starting the 90 challenge aspect of the calendar March 4th, I think thats my plan...
    I'm in an accountability group with a coach and everything (just to be clear).but its always great to have others who have the same goals in mind or are doing the same program as you!!..
    I weighed in today at 212.8.... my long term goal is to be around 150...depending on how I look.feel...maybe I'll stop my weight loss journey before that point or go beyond that... I'm hoping TurboFire will get me there..I recently finished Insanity...and tried both TurboJam and Hip Hop Abs after that and they were too almost laid back in the intensity so hoping this might help :) Please feel free to add me!! :)
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Should we start a group that we can all check into to post our progress/thoughts??
  • brandiepair
    brandiepair Posts: 104
    Hey girls, I totally forgot to come back and check on this!! I noticed some of you have friended me on here!! Thanks. I start an accountability challenge group on fb monday. You guys should join me!! I'd love more support and friends!!