I'm new :)

I found this site a few months ago when I was researching workouts to do to lose baby weight but I didn't pay much attention to it. I still do a lot of weightloss/ exercise searching and always end up here. So today I said "I am going to join this site" I love it already. And plan to continue using it. My name is Christine but people call me Chrissi. I am 20 but will be 21 in April. My son is 11 months old now and I am just starting to work on my baby belly. I have a dvd that I use every so often and will be doing 5 days a week now, it is Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition The Workout. I only weigh 140-145 pounds but would love to be 125-130 like I was my senior year of high school. This website gets great reviews so I know it will help me out.