Trouble losing even though I eat less than ever

I am so bummed out. I finally got a few pounds off and this week I got on the scale and I was up 2.6 pounds. I exercise and really watch how much I eat. I know I am getting older (I'll be 50 this year) . I am struggling so hard to lose that last 10 and I know diet is 80-90% of the equation. Could I really fluctuate that much in 1 week? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated

5' 4"
129.4 lb (this week)
49 years old


  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    You're going to have to either open up your diary or tell us how much you're eating.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am 5 8 and reached my goal weight of 129 last year - i think the last 7 pounds took almost as long as the first 39. I am 54 years old.
  • LeeMarie1985
    LeeMarie1985 Posts: 6 Member
    There could be numerous things contributing to this. Exercise and strength training build muscle and with that it could appear you've gained some weight. It took me a long time to wrap my head around this concept and there are days I still can't accept it. Remember, it's just a number... it's really all about being healthy. That being said, muscle gain is a good thing so if you're exercising keep at it... Another contributor to weight gain is water weight. This could simply come from drinking lots of water (which you should be doing) or eating a lot of salt. Don't be fooled by all those weight loss meals they have in the super market like Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice. The processed food is full of salt. The best food to eat is food prepared yourself. Measure everything. Keep it balanced. Stay away from anything that says Diet or Fat Free. Whole food in moderation is easier for the body to process. Getting over that hump can take a long time. Your body can get very used to what you're doing to it so take a cheat day at the end of the week. Switch it up sometimes. Eventually you'll get over the hump. Don't give up! You can do this!
  • oneofakind0
    Anyone's weight can fluctuate up to 3 to 5 pounds in a single day - depending on sodium content, water retention, weight training, etc. Just keep doing what you are doing and don't rely so much on what the scale says.
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    My diary is open corneredbycor.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    1) You are not eating enough; 900-1100 cals per day is not enough for anyone. You are starving yourself.
    2) I noticed a lot of "Quick Calorie" additions into your food diary - how are you figuring out the nutrients of these items, let alone the calories?
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    I do quick calories since I prepare so many of my own dinners from scratch. These usually end up being my lunches the next day. I usually weigh all ingredients and then divide into equal parts.
  • Aniwani1
    Aniwani1 Posts: 45 Member
    2.6 pounds is not a lot for fluctuation for a week.. sounds like water ...Cut your salt and up your water intake ... There are week I fluctuate 7-8 pounds depending on how much water I'm holding don't get discouraged just keep at your diet and gym routine ... =)

    I am so bummed out. I finally got a few pounds off and this week I got on the scale and I was up 2.6 pounds. I exercise and really watch how much I eat. I know I am getting older (I'll be 50 this year) . I am struggling so hard to lose that last 10 and I know diet is 80-90% of the equation. Could I really fluctuate that much in 1 week? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated

    5' 4"
    129.4 lb (this week)
    49 years old
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I suggest tracking sodium. I notice that when I have a high sodium day, I gain several pounds overnight. It takes 2-3 days of low sodium to flush it out. See if it isn't the same with you. You will need to accurately log your foods to find out. I was reading about water retention and the way it happens makes a lot of sense. The excess sodium goes into a cell and water follows. Drinking more water will help dilute the sodium. If you decide to track sodium, you should consider tracking potassium, as sodium and potassium balance each other out. A caution though, many entries on MFP don't include potassium, it takes some time to find the ones that do.
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    Up your calories your not eating enough, your BMR is around 1286 based on your stats. Eat above your BMR, eat at say 1400-1500 a day and don't eat excercise cals back

    As we get older our metabolisms slow down as it is, please don't keep under eating and slowing it down even more this is your problem

    Good luck
  • RMNPHike
    RMNPHike Posts: 89 Member
    This happens to me all the time, especially if I eat out. And eating around 1000 calories a day won't work because you are slowing down your metabolism and making it harder to lose weight. I am 51, 5'2" and I have been there and done that. I started MFP Jan 3rd and weighed 126 and am now down to 119. I started at 1200 cals, increase it to 1360 based on my TDEE, added more exercise, and plateau'd. Then I went back down to 1250 cals, and started eating a big salad at night, with some protein in it, being careful to log everything I put in it. I work out an average of 3 times per week, mostly cardio. I have heard lifting is good, but haven't tried that yet. I just know I'm having success with what I'm doing. I drink a lot of water too. I know it is hard for us petite ladies to keep losing weight the closer we get to our goal. But with exercise and eating right and lots of patience, it will happen.
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    You've had some good suggestions already but what about your exercise? I used to use the "I'm getting older" excuse about why I wasn't losing. Once I changed my lifestyle I lost all I wanted and then some. I'm 51 and started at 132 and lost 23 pounds by eating cleaner - not perfect but pretty good - and exercising. I don't do anything crazy, 15 minutes of strength exercises 3-4 times per week and I alternate walking & running almost every day because I love it. My calories are set for 1600 plus I eat back my running calories that I burn.

    Find the type of exercise that you'll stick with and then do it!

    You can do this!! My motto - eat, move, eat, move then eat and move some more!