Help me with my weight lifting routine, please



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    Bumo for this right here.

    You're the man Captain.
  • GritsOnTits
    Just alternate 3 non consecutive days per week with squat, bench, row on one and deadlift, shoulder press, chinups the other. Add weight as often as possible. After the fat is gone determine whether you can still make progress with such simple programming or if you need to move on.
  • GritsOnTits
    Just alternate 3 non consecutive days per week with squat, bench, row on one and deadlift, shoulder press, chinups the other. Add weight as often as possible. After the fat is gone determine whether you can still make progress with such simple programming or if you need to move on.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    @ ChrisLindsay9, I'm only able to make it to the gym 3 times a week. Would a split like this be better than 3 days doing full body workouts? I'm not sure how I feel about only training each body part once a week.

    For three days, then you may want to do full body workouts as long as you have a day of rest in between. You may want to consider varying the order from each day. Not so much for muscle confusion (I think that's overestimated a bit), but rather sometimes by the end of the workout, the energy depletion may effect how hard you can go on the last couple muscle groups. I'd still start with big muscle groups first, but maybe rotate the last three or four muscle groups (calves and shoulders are your last two muscle groups to work on one day, and biceps/triceps are the last two muscle groups to work on another day)?