I need friends!

I am looking for daily support. I have been on and off again with my weight loss. I have lost 50 pounds since I started my weight loss journey. I have put my journey on hold which I regret. I would love all the support I can get. I am to wed in 7 months and would love to be at least 40 pounds lighter. :)


  • teena2421
    I'm with you it's been hard to keep on track.I lost 40 ponds a year and half ago, then gained 20 back and can't get back on track. Check in with me daily we can push each other....I just need to answer to someone to help me stay away from the snacking.
  • hanahughes
    I'm with you!! I'm such a yoyo dieter. But I've had enough!! I lost 7 kg in 12 weeks last year!! and i did keep it off for a bit, but laziness and the stress of work kicked in and I put it back on and some! Check in with me to we can help eachother :) I find it wayy easier to do it with some one as well.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I have been at this for about a year (but with MFP since Sept) and in the past I have done yo-yo dieting, but this has been the most it has clicked. I am on daily ( I only missed a couple of times during a family emergency) and I try to be encouraging. Feel free to add me as a friend ( and any of the others may too)
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    I too yoyo from time to time. Up 20, down 40, up 10, etc... I'm aiming to stay on the site long term in order to cure my yoyo, so I should be around for a while. I have an open diary and log in several times a day. You can friend me. I could actually use a few friends in this fight.
  • Nhizarms
    Nhizarms Posts: 26 Member
    feel free to add me
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. My diary is open. I lost 35 lbs, it was originally 40 but the five pounds I gained from the holidays stuck around..lol
  • Starrpower007
    Starrpower007 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me, I need all the help I can get too!
  • ShaunShaunphenomenon
    Feel free to add me, I'm like a bra! I'm always there for support! haha
  • redragtop05
    redragtop05 Posts: 140 Member
    You can add me...I'm here every day!