exercise logs

Hi All,

Is it just me, or do you put in lesser calories burned, than the actual calories burned? Like for instance, if I did circuit training for say, 30 min, MFP calculates to be 250 (say) calories burned, but I put in as 100 calories burned. I do this mainly coz I dont want to over-indulge on my food, just coz I burned.. Is this wrong?


  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Not me, but everyone has to do what works for THEM individually. That's what makes this site so much fun and easier than anything I've ever done. It's easy to commit here.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    i do this. Partly because i dont have the best HRM and it is off on most days. I do this so i dont overeat and it seems to be working out good.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I don't put them in at all. I just don't trust it. I burned 650 calories today doing 50 minutes of spinning and 20 mins of running according to my Polar watch. I just don't believe in eating those back. Who knows how accurate that can be? See if it works for you and more importantly how you feel, if the result isn't good then I'd re-evaluate.
  • skinnyderella
    skinnyderella Posts: 5 Member
    I do the same thing in an attempt to try to overcome the habit of overestimating my calories out and underestimating my calories in.
  • slimtoneneetz
    slimtoneneetz Posts: 97 Member
    I usually log in correctly. but then i make sure i dont eat the exercised calories..
  • amberpitz
    amberpitz Posts: 103 Member
    I use my hrm as a guide and change mfp to what my hrm says. I try to eat my calories back.
  • sharon2725
    sharon2725 Posts: 2 Member
    I put in the exact calories I burned but I just eat the calories burned.. i have 1200/day and thats what I stick too no matter how many calories I have burned working out! But then again if entering lesser calories burned works for you then go ahead n do it :)
  • jennywren9
    jennywren9 Posts: 5 Member
    How come yesterday I walked the dog for 60 mins which equated to 19 cals and today I walked her for 75 mins and it was 375 cals?
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    How come yesterday I walked the dog for 60 mins which equated to 19 cals and today I walked her for 75 mins and it was 375 cals?

    Are you using a heart rate monitor or MFP?
  • I do not alter my cardio amounts or calories burned because i do weight training as part of my workout and it looks like calories from that are not factored into my calorie goal each day.
  • jennywren9
    jennywren9 Posts: 5 Member
    Just entering it in the exercise thing on here
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    MFP as DESIGNED gives you a calorie deficit BEFORE exercise. When you exercise ... you create an even larger deficit.

    While a larger deficit can create faster weight loss..... you will be at risk for losing muscle mass too. I want to reduce my FAT % .... therefore I eat ALL my calories back*

    * ..... I use an asterisk because MFP exaggerates calories burned. Many people eat back a % of MFP calories .... or use a heart rate monitor which should be more accurate.

    Use a % for a time .... if you are feeling run down (or lethargic) .... up the percent. Hunger is really not the best indicator of when you need to eat more.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    MFP as DESIGNED gives you a calorie deficit BEFORE exercise. When you exercise ... you create an even larger deficit.

    While a larger deficit can create faster weight loss..... you will be at risk for losing muscle mass too. I want to reduce my FAT % .... therefore I eat ALL my calories back*

    * ..... I use an asterisk because MFP exaggerates calories burned. Many people eat back a % of MFP calories .... or use a heart rate monitor which should be more accurate.

    Use a % for a time .... if you are feeling run down (or lethargic) .... up the percent. Hunger is really not the best indicator of when you need to eat more.

    This, I always enter them in as it states and eat them back. I lose properly and feel great. I exercise so I can eat more.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    My method: Have MFP set to lost .5lbs a week, which for me is 1650 calories per day, I have about 14 lbs to go by June and this amount of calories usually works for me.

    I have figured out my TDEE to be 2149 (calories needed per day to maintain my current weight) subtract 20% = 1719 calories per day to lose weight.

    I try to eat anywhere between 1650 and 1719 (obviously all numbers are estimates) not including exercise calories. My TDEE-20% number includes my current activity level.