Eating the same things everyday!

Does anyone else eat a lot of the same foods all of the time? I always get "stuck" on certain things and will stick with those for quite awhile....

For example, my lunch is usually the same right now:

Salad with mixed greens, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and homemade honey mustard.And blueberries with activia yogurt.

Does anyone else stick to the same thing for lunches or breakfasts? Any great suggestions to switch it up?


  • Mikemax125
    My first 4 meals are the exact same almost everyday, it gets boring after a while but at least I know exactly what im intaking.
  • Mikemax125
    Baked Tilapia and Broccoli is a good suggestion.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yes, but I love them. I have thought of this but decided that as long as I like the food, why change? I do better working in a rut.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I eat the same breakfast every day. I also go back and forward between two different lunches. My only switch up meal of the day is dinner or snacks. I actually kind of enjoy it that way.
  • cortneysmissionpossible
    for me my lunches mainly are whole wheat pasta/ 99% fat free ground turkey/spaghetti sauce all mixed into one.
    when i cooked everything and added up all of the calories it turned out to be 280 calories a serving.

    i hate breakfast and it's the most difficult meal for me to eat.
    when i actually do feel up to it i'll do 2 slices of reduced sodium turkey bacon/ multi grain cereal/skim milk
    or just have banana and a protein peanut butter ball
    seriously so yummy,
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    I stick to the same stuff, but its mostly because its my favorite stuff.

    I love bananas, yogurt, tomatoes, avocado, mushrooms.

    I mix my proteins up all the time, depending on prices, or what Im in the mood for. Beef, chicken, on a rare occasion pork, egg beaters, cheese, etc.

    If I get bored, Ill get some fast food. I still make sure its within my calories for the day.
  • peasantsong
    peasantsong Posts: 107 Member
    I eat basically the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is where I switch it up a bit, but even that meal is usually picked from a selection of 6-7 meals I rotate throughout the week. I don't mind at all, personally. I am usually the type of person to eat the same things every day regardless of whether I'm on a diet or not.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I use a few things frequently in a wide variety of recipes so meals rarely get dull.

    We eat A LOT of chicken and turkey in our house because of the hefty amount of protein.

    Example: last night I made honey-glazed chicken breasts in the oven with a side of shrimp-stuffed Portabella mushrooms for dinner. I saved the stems from the 'shrooms for a hefty scrambled egg breakfast this morning. The scrambled egg also contained leftover chicken sausage and goat's milk cheese from tortilla pizza a couple of nights ago.

    It's chicken again for dinner tomorrow but this time it will be a mango chicken chili served on a sprouted rice/quinoa blend with sliced almonds and dried cranberries.

    We eat fish every week but we switch it up: oven-grilled salmon filets last week; salmon burgers this week.

    Meals need not be boring or time-consuming to prepare. Be creative. Make full use of the Internet: there are tons of recipes that you can modify for your nutritional needs.

  • Dexy24
    Dexy24 Posts: 62 Member
    Wow, you are creative! I wish I could eat dinner at your place! I really enjoy my breakfast/lunches but I tend to struggle with dinners and snacking before bed.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I pretty much eat the same breakfast every day for months at a time- and then just change it in some minimal way like using a different hot sauce or something. Everything else I eat a wide variety.
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    I have a few favorites for breakfast and lunch... because of time crunches. Instant Oatmeal, 1/4 banana, cinnamon .. Amy's vege burrito for lunch.. apple or cutie for snacks..
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Check out my diary. For the most part, everything stays similar. Regarding my protein puddings and smoothies, I just add a different fruit or use a combination of butterscotch and sunflower seed butter. My lunches usually bounce between lasanga, steak and potato, and something entirely random such as beef chili and cornbread.
  • fitfortrack1
    I've been eating the same breakfast (with an occasional switch-up) for over a year...oatmeal with a tablespoon of sunbutter and banana slices (lol it's my profile picture).

    I love it because it has whole grains, healthy fats, and a fruit. It keeps me satisfied for 4 hours (if I drink water...for some reason my stomach starts making noises if I don't drink water throughout the morning). Delicious and nutritious!
  • fitfortrack1
    Sunflower butter is THE BOMB!!! Love that stuff! I have a peanut allergy so it's a great alternative. :smile:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I stick to the same stuff, but its mostly because its my favorite stuff.

    This...if I get bored I'll go out of my way to experiment with something new, but for the most part I'm easy to please. If it's easy, has all the nutrients I need, and it tastes good, I can eat it every day no problem.
  • ldbuster0
    I would love to eat the same thing everyday, but I get bored real quick. When I have time, I am going to plan out my meals so they will meet my calorie and macro needs. I will probably stick with it then because I get so tired of looking up calories when I can't scan it in.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I could never do that. Too... Mundane. Something has to be different.

    New nacho mince, different Icecream, different flavoured brownie, etc. I couldn't bear to eat the same thing over and over.
  • SkinneyGirl28
    SkinneyGirl28 Posts: 145 Member
    If you are in a hurry in the morning, smoothies are a great way to go. Add in some Tofu for protein, and Almond Milk and minimise the fat. On cold days make a hot smoothie. Use fresh fruit or veggie and heat it, vs using frozen ones.:happy:
  • conorpatmanCHANGED
    conorpatmanCHANGED Posts: 253 Member
    yup i have basically the same lunch everyday but some things are different each day but not much
  • daydream_believer
    i eat the same things every day because i hit my macros pretty spot on with foods i love and cannot get enough of haha. its not boring for me because its habit. however if i get bored or buy a new product i change it again. i have oats with flaxseed oil for breakfast and frozen yogurt with blueberries (big eater in the mornings) which you might like. :) x