New here.

Not sure where to start. I am 26 year old and well have been overweight most of my life. I am looking to lose 90 lbs over the next year or so. This is the 1st time i have been really dedicated to losing so much weight. I want to do this healthy way and change my life style to lose weight and to feel better. I have hard time dieting correctly! Meaning I usually eat to few calories when dieting and putting my body into starvation mode even though i know better. I guess i am hoping MFP will help me not only keep count of what i am eating to keep it healthy but also for support from a community.


  • marcuscross104
    marcuscross104 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello. I'm brand new too. I'm 45 years old. I've been overweight all of my adult life. I weigh 297 right now. We pretty much have the same goal. I want to drop about 90-100 pounds over the next year. I'm looking for motivational friends. If you would have me, we could inspire each other. My name is Marcus.
  • marcuscross104
    marcuscross104 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello. I'm a newbie. I'm 45 years old. I've been overweight all of my adult life. I'm finally motivated to lose some weight, but we all know it's not easy. I weigh 297 right now. I want to drop about 90-100 pounds over the next year. I'm looking for motivational friends. If you would have me, we could inspire each other. My name is Marcus.
  • jmcveigh12345
    Hey guys :)! My name is jenny. I weighed about 232 pounds two weeks ago. But thanks to MFP i am now just 5 pounds off losing a stone! MFP is great, the people are fantastic. They always support and motivate you from all around the world :)!! If you like, you can add me and we can do this together. I have never been happier and its all thanks to MFP! Welcome to the family!! xx
  • dottitrix
    HI my name is mel. a year ago i weighed 95kg, today i weigh 73. I want to get to 65kg, which apparently is the topmost weight for my height (160cm). i just stumbled across this site by accident yesterday and already love it!!! i love spending the time working out my eating program for the following day, and logging in my exercise.....hoping to make some new friends and find some motivation to lose the last 8 kg!!!!
  • erbrat
    erbrat Posts: 11 Member
    New to the site, transferred from Weight Watchers and so far love the site. Lots of people and everyone is motivating, inspiring and down to earth! Hope to meet others with my similar goals so we can help each other reach our goals, give advice and successful tips, etc.
  • RinaBinaBoo
    Hi Happy to see someone else that likes this sight as much me. I and some high school friends are on this sight !!! We miss how we use to look in those old photos its funny how it just take one high school reunion to let us all realize its time get things in check !!! We have lots of low calorie snacks and meals to share if you ever need one or just a positive word .
  • RinaBinaBoo
    Hi Happy to see someone else that likes this sight as much me. I and some high school friends are on this sight !!! We miss how we use to look in those old photos its funny how it just take one high school reunion to let us all realize its time get things in check !!! We have lots of low calorie snacks and meals to share if you ever need one or just a positive word . But much like you I have always been heavier than everyone else around me but I've found that when you first start you need to find low calorie foods that come in BIG portions b/c if your always hungry this IS NOT going to work . Feel free to check out my journal any time or hit me up for recipes I Haven't posted half of the ones I use . And I'm going to school for culinary arts so believe me low calorie Don't have to mean low taste . Feel free to message me any time =)
  • skrafcky
    Thank you all for the reponses
  • saflows
    I'm new too! Hoping to lose about 60 pounds!
  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    I'm also new hear, about a week now. Started my take back my life journey just after my 50th birthday. When I stepped on the scale at the beginning of it all I was just over 300 lbs and in fact it frightened the bejesus out of me. While I only got on MFP a week ago or so, I changed my lifestyle for the better. I started by eliminating processed foods from my diet and then added a regular cardiovascular program 3-4 times per week. No you call can see what I'm down to, having lost well over 33 lbs. I feel much better about myself, I sleep better. Welcome aboard to all those who just joined MFP. I use both the website and the app on my Blackberry, in conjunction with an app called Endomonodo which can track all kinds of different activities. I found that app a few years ago, but it was really just a part of the motivational factor.

    You will find some great folks here. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • marier1986
    Hi all, I'm new here too. I've also been overweight my whole life andd wanting to change my life style. Feel free to add me as a friend as I think I will need as much support as poss :-) exciting times ahead!