30 Day Shred - Level 1


I have just started 30DS and I cant see me doing Level 2 any time soon.
Is there anyone out there that has got results from doing just Level 1 for the 30 days??


  • MagicFeather
    MagicFeather Posts: 27 Member
    The great thing about this program is that you get to see your stamina and fitness level increase really quickly. So, if on day 1 you're thinking, "Level 2, no way!" you might be saying something else come day 8. You don't have to do any 1 level perfectly before you move on. I couldn't do level 2 perfectly and I still went on to level 3 after 10 days. You might also get a bit bored doing the same workout 30 days in a row.

    On the other hand, anything that you do consistently for 30 days is going to give you results. It's about pushing your body, wherever it's at, to go the distance.

    Good luck and keep up posted on the results.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    lol I was still saying NO WAY to level 2 on day 8, but come day 11 I did it anyways and it wasn't as bad as I had worked it up to be in my head :)

    the thing i love about Shred is that while you will struggle to finish everything w/o modifications when you begin the program by the end of 10 days you will finally have it down pat and then you have to start a new level and struggle again LOL but I guess that's what causes the amazing results xD
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I struggled with level 1 too, but did move up after each recommended period. You will see a difference in your stamina. I disliked level 2 , but really enjoyed level 3!
    I would give moving up a try, you'll be surprised :smile:
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Im on level 1 day 7 today and i really enjoy this work out!
    Can't do all the push ups and the biceps with the knee going down (cant think of the name lol)
    The above post is right, its about pushing yourself to what ever you feel is right :)
    Im losing inches and i can definitely see an improvement in my legs, stomach and arms.
    (I eating better and also doing Couch to 5k at the same time)
    Plus I dont do this consecutively, i have rest days or days when i just didnt fit in my running or work out :)
  • Rosiegordon33
    Rosiegordon33 Posts: 27 Member
    So on day 1 I should try Level 2? And am i going to feel sore and tender through the whole program?
    I have stairs at work and my legs hate me today
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member

    I have just started 30DS and I cant see me doing Level 2 any time soon.
    Is there anyone out there that has got results from doing just Level 1 for the 30 days??

    When I started here that was my first DVD. STICK WITH IT. Do each level for 10 days, then move on.

    While I can't say that I "shredded" lbs in the 30 days, what I did gain was ability and strength. Those first fews days were ROUGH. Day 1 killed me to do the arm circles to warm up the next day lol I think Day 2 I couldn't find something that hurt. Each day it got better. By Day 4 it's just the soreness of working out. IF you stick with it. It was only truly rough the first 3 days or so. After that it's the "good" kind of hurt you get from working things.

    But even to this day...I still hate Level 2 LOL I really wanted to punch Jillian those 10 days.

    I remember when I got to Level 3 and I was suprised at some of the things that all of a sudden weren't so hard to do. That's when I saw that I had acheived something in just 4 weeks. After that I moved on to Supreme 90 Day. It was the perfect starter DVD.