Question for the girls: Weight loss and PMS

chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey girls,

i know from stories about PMS, i never had any problem with it in 18 years since my mens started. So all of a sudden it statted now and i think it hangs together with starting to lose weight. I am moody in an extreme way (from wohoo life is great to ripping everything apart within a second) and now that my mens actually started it doesn't stop, so i think my PMS will decide to stay until it is a Post menstrual syndrome. The worst part is that even with the cramps and the mood swings i feel like eating all the time.

I didn't so far but it will go on a few more days and it becomes pretty hard. Does anyone of you have this too and can tell me what i can do to help it?


  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I take Midol. I am not a big proponent of taking pills but I definitely will take a Midol when I feel PMS coming on! I turn into a raving lunatic otherwise. 0 - psycho in no time!! Another thing that I do is make sure I drink LOT of water!!! I up my water intake from 64 oz. to 80-94 oz per day. I find that it seems to help with the bloating as well as cramps and mood swings.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    WEight loss can bring on things you never expected, change. Our bodies are very sensitive to change, as far as our lady parts go any change in diet and/ or exercise can affect our cycles. PMS varies each month for as many women as there are on earth, this is why men can't figure us out :wink: A change in diet can make PMS cravings more intense because your body is already "withdrawing" from your usual M.O.

    PMDD is pretty rare, but doesn't mean you may not be having symptoms or just really bad PMS. The food you can control, so do your best to stay on track. As far as mood swings, do your best to filter yourself and if you find you are raging or very depressed then I would highly recommend seeing your doctor to see if there is anything they can do to help ease these symptoms.

    Taking a calcium supplement (1200 mg or more a day) with vitamin D has been proven to lessen the affects of PMS on women. There have been several studies that have proven this. I have tried it and it seems to work, I don't know the science behind it but we can all use a little extra calcium so if it helps curb PMS then I'm all over it!
  • I'm the same way right now!!! I want to eat everything in sight! I find myself eating in front of the tv, which I gave up a long time ago. I've decided to start crocheting again just to keep my hands busy. Find things to do to keep yourself occupied and only buy healthy things. I have very small cupboards that will only hold so much, and no fast food within 100+ miles of my space is take up with healthy snacks. Yes, I've caved, but just remember tomorrow is another day, and that you are worth it.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I have a hormone imbalance which affects my menstrual cycle.

    I can go anywhere from 2 weeks between periods, to 8 weeks, or even 6 months. I can bleed anywhere from 2 days, to 20. When I go especially long between periods, I end up with PMS for WEEKS. My poor husband. After my periods, I go into a downward emotional spiral, and it can get pretty dark.
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