In good shape and STILL see results from 30DS?

Hi everyone.

So I'm a bit apprehensive about posting this because I don't want to come across like I'm bragging or putting others down but I would really appreciate some advice.

I did the first day of 30DS this morning and I have to say...I was a little underwhelmed...

I am in ok shape - I do body pump and kettlebell classes 3 times a week and run 2-3 times a week. I was expecting 30ds to be TOUGH based on what I read on here but for me it wasn't.

Has anyone still had/seen results doing 30DS even if they are already in ok/good shape? I mean don't get me wrong I've still got podge/chub - I'm no lean machine but I'm pretty strong.

Should I just carry on and hope for the best? Could I skip straight to level 2? Is level 2 harder than 1? Or should I try something else completely?

Advice please! I don't want to waste my time when I could be doing something else!!

Thanks :)

EDIT: just to add my goals are to lose inches and a dress size, particularly around my middle.


  • fitnessQueenUK
    fitnessQueenUK Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there I also did 30 day shred and my fitness level is pretty good, I found level 1 ok but didn't feel I had done to much of a workout and didn't feel to pushed by it so I added level 2 back to back the next day :smile: that seemed to do the trick for me. Its all about finding your own level of what's comfortable and having fun with it :laugh: :laugh: have fun x
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks. Maybe ill check out level 2. I like that the workouts are 30mins though because I can fit them in before work so I don't think I'd do one after the other :)
  • RachaelKaye4
    RachaelKaye4 Posts: 57 Member
    you need to try Extreme Shed and Shred... seriously makes Shreds look like childs play!

    Rach x
  • Hiya

    Try upping your weights on them. I found that bumping up from 3lbs to 6lbs made a big difference. Also, be a bit creative - you don't necessarily have to go at the same speed as them so do the exercises quicker than in the DVD so you do more reps in the same time or incorporate weights into the cardio as well (Jumping Jacks with weights is a killer!)

    Like FitnessQueen I also do them back to back at the weekend 1/2/3 all in one go and then mix up the levels during the week. Also do 'Burn Fat Boost Metabolism' and 'No More Trouble Zones' if I have slightly more time - the latter is tougher but doesn't burn as many calories, the former is a lot more cardio so burns more calories but doesn't use weights.

    Hope this helps

  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Use heavier weights. 3lb and 5lb are a little too easy for me at this point but using 8lb dumbbells was a killer. Also, Level 2 and 3 definitely step it up.