Eating the SAME thing everyday.

I was speaking to a friend recently who has lost a tonne of weight since he moved here from him home country.

i asked him what his secret was and he told me "I eat the same things everyday without fail" so i asked him, What do you eat?

Breakfast: Hot chocolate

Snack: chocolate (snickers)

Lunch: Hummous and carrots / Sandwich and crisps.

Dinner: Some sort of ready meal or pizza you put in the oven + Yogurt

+ Tea whenever he wants it.

Now looking at that diet it seems pretty unhealthy, i mean small sugary breakfast and starchy stodgy dinner, but apparently its worked wonders for him. Now hes convinced its because he eats the SAME thing everyday.
I eat pretty regularly, most people do - but does never deviating from your restricted diet help one lose weight?

I personally dont think their is any logic to it - mayby its the fact that his body knows exactly what its going to get and so his metabolism works more efficiently or mayby its the quantities......


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    It will be because he's at the same calorie deficit consistently, that's all.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Yes, it's just that he's eating at a consistent calorie deficit. That diet doesn't provide much protein and few micronutrients so it's certainly not advisable.
    THExNEKOxCHAN Posts: 134 Member
    I'd advise that guy to start eating some real food. Nothing about that is healthy (plus, it's boring. Who the hell wants boring food every day? I mean, does he plan on eating that crap for the rest of his life? ugh!)
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Even if I could drop a lb a day, I couldn't do such a thing. I couldn't eat the same thing for dinner twice in the same week, let alone repeat meals like that.

    I was once successful in dropping nearly 20 lbs by doing something similar. It was more nutritious but I had a schedule for Monday to Friday and wouldn't change it for like 4 months. I was eating all of 900-1000 calories a day. At the end of it, I got frustrated enough to gain 10 lbs back in 2 months.
  • jenniferwren
    High sugar, high salt, high fat :\ not to mention dull as dishwater and so unheathy yuck
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    I eat almost the same everyday aside from weekends. Food is fuel as far as I am concerned. If I am in one of my exploratory adventure around the world, then it's a different story. But at home, I don't get any love back from food. Just fuel. I don't eat snickers though.