Hi, I'm Jax!

Hi! I'm delighted to find this community. I had a huge shock when I stepped onto the scales a few weeks ago. I've had some hormone treatment that has ended now, and during this time I have gained a lot of weight. I'd like to make some friends to motivate me and keep me on track.

My main problem is that I have a very good body image and I love myself! :-) (not usually a problem, but when trying to get back to a healthy weight it can scupper any attempts because I don't see that there's anything 'wrong' with me when I look in the mirror and I never weigh myself). But I am over 50 now and beginning to worry about my mortality, and at this weight I can't be healthy.

So here I am, starting out. I have a herniated L4/L5 - 2 years after injury, so am doing the 'Couch potato to 5k' running plan on the treadmill. I have calculated my losing 2lb ish per week needs 1200 calories, I can easily manage this just by cutting out snacks, as I mostly cook all my own food from scratch, I just buy snacks and bake a lot of cake!

This is the first time in my life I have watched my weight. I have stopped smoking 5 years ago with the help of a forum, and I hope I will make some friends here. I have a lot to learn, but this seems like an excellent place to start. I'd like to make some friends to motivate me and keep me on track.


  • housewifeontrack
    we are all here for the same reason,to loose weight and be healthy:)
    welcome and good luck:)