Rolled Ankle

I rolled my ankle almost two weeks ago and it still hurts. The top outer part of my foot is where it is sore. Of course I've been exercising every day still etc. I took yesterday off from my normal workout and today am going to do modified moves to ease off my ankle. How long until this heals? I can't just lay on the couch!!!!! Will ice at this point help it? Thank youuuuu :flowerforyou:


  • Ow - that really hurts, have you been to the doc? I think rolled or sprained ankles are worse than a break, have done it all. ibuprofen and ice and heat will help. I alternate ice and low heat, of course you have to rest it some also. You can get wraps or supports at the local drug store.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I had a really bad injury of that sort a year ago, and my ankle has still not completely recovered. You probably shouldn't have kept exercising, and ice may not help much at this point. I'd see a doctor. You may need an MRI and PT.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I had a really bad sprain in December and the Doctor told me it can take 12 weeks to heal. I actually took 6 weeks off exercising (which I regret now but at the time it was so painful) and today was the first time I'd exercised without my ankle support. Give it a bit more time I would say.
  • 721runner
    721runner Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry to here about your injury. I rolled mine 7 years ago and wore a walking boot for 8 weeks and physical therapy. It was so painful to bear weight without the boot. The doctor told me I would have problems with my foot. After 6years I reinjuried my foot. I ran 1/2 marathon and felt great after the race. It was the next day that it hurt. Turns out I just really aggravated my old injury. I new had to be proactive because 3 weeks later my family and I would be heading to see Mickey in Orlando. So I got my walking boot out wore it, ice and more ice, and did physical therapy exercises, along with rest and ibuprofen. In that time it healed and I didn't need to bring my walking boot or my ankle brace to Florida!
    Okay so now after slacking off over the holidays with little exercise I'm training for two 1/2 marathon's one in April and the other in May. So last week I jogged 5 miles and woke up the next day with a sore foot. My protocol ice, ibuprofen, and walking boot. It's helping. Because two days later I ran two miles on treadmill without pain. After I iced it took, ibuprofen, and wore my boot. Ice in the AM and PM. I have tendonitis from my injury. So I mental tell my self it will be okay if I just reminder to my body with rest, ice, and ibuprofen.
    Go see your doctor before you do more damage. I hope you feel better soon and hope my story helps.

  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    Awesome. Thanks for sharing everyone! I am going to ice and get some sort of support for it. Maybe see a Dr if it doesn't get better in a month. Thank you!